Openness In The OCEAN Test

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In the working world, employers look at everything. They examine any past work experiences, personal traits, and even some personal history. The OCEAN test helps these employers see where a potential employee’s best traits lay. The test is based on a one to fourteen number score for each trait, which are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Our class participated in the OCEAN test in order to see where we stacked up against what employers look for in the working world. Openness is the first trait looked over during the OCEAN test. The openness trait refers to one’s willingness to try new things and gain new experiences. During our in-class testing, we scored an average of 10.9 out of fourteen. This is …show more content…

Confidence is key in the working world. It shows that a person is self-assured with their work. Positivity in one's work can help promote positivity in the entire workplace which is pleasing to employers. However people that score high in the neuroticism trait tend to "...worry more, … (are) insecure, … (are) self conscious, … (and) temperamental" (Lebowitz). These are all negative traits to have in the workplace. Employers do not want any kind of negativity where they work because it can discourage people from getting protective work accomplished. Businesses can be driven into the ground by workplace negativity. So it is reasonable to see why employers would not want the negativity any where near their business and that's why they typically will not hire people that give off any type of negative feelings. Neuroticism is typically tied to the “Dispositional effect," which is a predictable use of a trait, and as the "negative affect... (it is) characterized by distress, anxiety and hostility; it is reflected in a generally grouchy, unhappy, and unpleasant demeanor" (Personalities and Careers). Negative emotions can turn people away from a person and scare off any and all employers. It can also scare away customers for a business. During our class, we scored around the same as the national average, which is right in the middle on the one to fourteen number scale. This means that we are pretty much in control of our emotional side and that we are fairly confident in all of our

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