American River Otter Research Paper

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The American River Otter By:Rodney
Why can’t we shoot/trap the American River Otter? It is a animal with a very expensive fur. Their fur is the most dense fur on earth, for example, they have about one million hairs per square inch on their fur, which is because they have no blubber to keep themselves warm. Some cool facts about the otter are, that they can live their whole lives without getting out of the water. In other words, it does not get tired of swimming. Some reasons why we want to get rid of them are; the otter has been eating all the fish we like to catch. Some examples are, Crayfish, Salmon, and Trout. Another reason is the Otter has been eating all the water fowl. Some cool waterfowl are, Geese, Ducks, and their eggs. Reason

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