Sea Otters Research Paper

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sea otters are from the kingdom animalia. Sea otters are stouter and have large rib cages, smaller tails and muzzle than other species of otters. Yet sea otters posses the fine, dense fur coats characteristic of the Mustelidae. Their forefeet are small and dexterous with retractile claws and the flipper like hind feet are broad and webbed. Sea otters once was abundant along most coastal North pacific ocean. That was before fur traders hunted them for their thick ice, luxurious pelts. By the year 1900, sea otters were nearly extinct . Protected since 1911, alaska sea otters have made a comeback. There lifespan is 10-15 years. Great white sharks are the primary predator of sea otters and occasionally eaten by coyote so the predators that the …show more content…

This year they are listed under the endangered species act and has today 78 killer whales left. The factors that could be contributed to such a rapid change in the size of sea otter population is stop hunting sea otter down and killing them and selling them to fur traders.That is the big thing in the otter decline people from 1800 to 1900 hunted and sold them all time for there fur. killer Whales have a taste for sea otters and the sea lion and seals short in supply in the northern pacific. Killer whales are feeding on otters because of the absents of their prey. The lost of sea otters have effect on organism is Alaska’s sea otters decline the affects health of kelp forests and diet of eagles. Sea otters play a private part by keeping the kelp forest a healthy balance. By eating sea urchins-- the biggest threat to kelps forests--sea otters control sea urchins numbers and kept the ecosystem in balance. This ensured that these underwater plants could thrive and reach their maximum height of 250 ft.The sharp drop in sea otter numbers in this island chain of alaska is the predation level. killer whales need 61.54 kcal/male otters and kcal needed is 308000 kcal

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