Amazon Research Paper

1929 Words4 Pages Is the Job Really Worth It?
Christina R. Vandiver
Information Systems for Managers
WJ Patterson
Summer 2014
August 27th, 2014 Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to analyze and report on potential positive and negative influences, and uses of Information Technology that could affect over the next 3-5 years. This paper will discuss the problems found that can be fixed with IT, and the opportunities that can be taken advantage of with IT. I will provide justification for the problems listed, opportunities, and future IT predictions. Is the Job Really Worth It?

DESCRIPTION OF AMAZON.COM opened for business on July 16, 1995. The company then consisted of a few people packing and …show more content…

The first thing that they need to do is concentrate on safety. No matter what the job is, safety should always come first. If you can't complete the job within the laws of physics, then the job should not be completed. The next thing should do is a case study. Are the complaints only coming from certain warehouses, or are these complaints coming from all sites across the world? Are they only coming from within the United States? Once they are able to pin point the location, then they need to send a team of the best Human Resource representatives out to the problem child locations, and start talking to the associates. If they are able to find out exactly what the root cause of the issue, then they will have a better chance of fixing it. Whether it is working conditions, pay, etc. everything is fixable. If they issue is money, which I can almost guarantee it is, will have to look into trying to pay their associates competitive wages. It's hard for someone to work for a multi-billion dollar company and make less than someone working for a company who may only make a million dollars every other year. It makes the employees feel like they are being taken advantage of, and that's not going to go over well with people. As I've said many times before, you have to spend money to make money, and if Amazon is all …show more content…

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