Admissions Essay: I Want To Pursue My Dance

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Breathe in, breathe out: I can hear my heartbeat in my head while I stand there waiting with anticipation for the music. The music starts and floats around me and my body moves to the perfectly timed steps and the world melts away. I can hear the crowd cheering as I finish my last move and I feel euphoric. I live for this feeling, and it inspired me to continue dancing through out high school. Dance has become a major factor in shaping me into the young woman I am today. Dance has instilled a sense of drive into me from a young age. I practice about eight hours a week in the studio and about seven hours on my own. School, extracurricular activities, and work have forced me to become disciplined in order to balance all of my activities. My coaches have pushed me to be the best and have taken me to my limits. I have learned to never be content with where I am and to always strive to improve. My motto is that I can always be learning new things. I have earned three national titles during my dance career, I achieved this feat by putting in extra effort outside of practice. I’m always one of the first at practice, the last to leave, and I seek out opportunities to broaden my horizons by working with professionals. Training and trying to improve my craft has led to me sacrifice time with friends, but I wouldn’t change any of it. …show more content…

Growing up, I was the one who coaches would trust with vital responsibilities like warming up the team or getting equipment ready for the rest of the team. Now as one of the oldest on the team, I have become a leader, someone girls can trust and seek guidance from. I have become a role model for the younger girls as I lead them and keep them in line, but I also take the time to know them and make them feel happy. Mothers of the younger dancers have said they appreciate the effort I put into making sure their girls have a great time and that they are happy their daughter has me for a role

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