A Rhetorical Analysis Of Microsoft's Advertising

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Microsoft is advertising Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote, Publisher and Access. Every color on the advertisement represents a product the company offers.
The audience who seems to be targeted is the everyday workers or more likely the workaholic. The person who is lacking the ability to still have a life and work are the ones who would seem to benefit from this product. Microsoft’s primary strategy is to target the people who are always working, now they can work from anywhere. According to Microsoft you can work form the restroom, the airport, while you’re on vacation, while you’re at your child’s event, while you’re out eating, from your couch, and bed. Microsoft frames never-ending labor and connectivity as a way to "help …show more content…

The ad is full of ironic situations for example: On vacation? "You can still participate in meetings," the ad reminds you even while at a national park! No trip to the Grand Canyon is complete without a quick update from the sales team via videoconference, starting to get worried about "work-life" balance? Worry not: "you don't have to miss the kids' game or recital when you can work anywhere." Just look at the World's Greatest Dad here, on the phone with his boss while his kid scores a soccer goal, You can do work at dinner, when dinner is suppose to be a calm work free environment. You can even work in your sleep, just look at this model employee passed out in bed, tablet in hand. Each color represents a product Microsoft offers the navy blue on the top represents Microsoft, orange represents PowerPoint, the greenish color represents Publisher, the blue represents Word, green represents Excel, red represents Access, purple represents OneNote, and the other blue represents Outlook. The font is being played with; all the big key words go together as another phrase. Anyone can place their self in the picture because the way the people a showed. The ad shows a lot of …show more content…

Also he can totally edit a PowerPoint right now. I can't believe this is serious. They're selling this product on the promise that it will make it easier for you to sacrifice more of your personal life to working. I know our culture has a pretty messed up view of 'work ethic', but this is ridiculous. Work isn’t everything being able to spend your day as a family or spending time with your kids is the best feeling in the world, watching them grow before your eyes instead of it being to late. To late to hold them because they are all grown up now and they grew up knowing that work was far more important to you than them. They know that you’re working to give them a better life or working for them but still they prefer being with his or hers mom or dad than the materialistic things. My dad owns a restaurant for 16 years now and has missed my whole childhood for work all he does is work, work is more important to him than his kids and wife. My dad has been told, that why he doesn’t spend time with us his answer is always who’s going to pay the bills. My dad has never made time to be with us, my 16-year-old brother doesn’t consider my dad as his dad because he hasn’t been

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