A Reflection On The Verb Part Of Speech

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I was initially stumped by this question posed by Dr. Laub. I immediately began to reflect on the word reform and the difference between the verb form and noun form. I wanted to really give a reflective response to its core, so understanding the different parts of speech seemed necessary. Dictionary.com defines reform in the (verb-part of speech) as:
• to change to a better state, form, improve by alteration, substitution, abolition,
• to cause (a person) to abandon wrong or evil ways of life or conduct
• To put an end to (abuses, disorders, etc.).

Dictionary.com defines reform in the (noun part of speech) as:
• The improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, or unsatisfactory
• The amendment of conduct and/or belief
So, taken together, do we need to reform (change, improve, abandon, put an end to, and amend) what we are currently doing in education? Absolutely! But, as long as we don’t change, amend, or eliminate what is working. For the sake of the question, I will respond to what is necessary to improve or change, …show more content…

It opened my perspective as to the skills sets of an interventionist who must identify all the barriers that teachers face when implementing best practices. I learned a lot, but again found out that most teachers want to do the right thing, but sometimes just do not know what to do. During my stint as a behavioral specialist, I tried to get the district to create a behavioral TEKS. I figured if teachers would embrace the instructional TEKS, then maybe by creating a behavioral TEKs, teachers would place more value to teaching positive behavior vs. punishing negative behavior. Again, I was faced with a political school system that stressed local control and was told administrators would never go for

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