A Degree in Education

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A Degree in Education

I have been extremely fortunate to grow up in the type of environment that most people would call an "all-American town." All my life I have known I was very blessed to live here. The community where I live is not too large or too small. It is just the right size to provide the closeness and bonding that I have known and grow to love. This town is extremely family and church oriented and has a great school system. All of these things have had a very positive impact on my life. My experiences here have led me to the decision that a college degree in the field of education would present me with rewarding professional and personal challenges, and provide many opportunities to share the positive benefits I have received with another generation.


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...things that I have learned and held so very dear to others, who hopefully will then pass those values to someone else. The morals, lessons, and knowledge that have been instilled in me by my mentors, friends, teachers, and parents have persuaded me that a college degree in education would be the best way for me to pass on the great values that I have earned and learned from my community.

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