A Day in the Life of a Child Daycare Worker

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A normal day for a daycare facility is to have many classrooms full of students like a typical public school; however, they are younger children and are being supervised by an adult. That adult is responsible for, on average, four to ten students at any given time, ages ranging from zero to six. During that time, a lot can happen. These busy workers have many responsibilities throughout the day. The most important one is safety. Because these children are so young, they are also adventurous therefore need a lot of attention. Daycare workers have to spend much time supervising these children while performing other tasks throughout the day. Not only do children need to be supervised to be safe, but they also need to have a safe, clean and presentable environment that the daycare workers of the facility are to maintain. One way to keep things clean is to sanitize, in which is a big task of these workers. Children are always putting things in their mouth and then passing it off to other kids; therefore, sanitation is a big deal in these types of facilities. Another responsibility that daycare providers have are to enforce rules. When rules are broken, these providers are to then enforce discipline policies. These can sometimes become an issue seeing that these providers are not the parents of the children thus they have to consult with the parents on certain discipline techniques to use on specific children. On the other hand, these providers are similar to parents in the sense that they wash children's clothing and clean up after every child. In addition to all the other responsibilities, daycare providers also have to maintain current, accurate and confidential client files per child. These files are to consist of observations and r...

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... this career can be maintained with just a high school diploma with the option of secondary schooling. However, as easy as it is to start being a child care worker, its just that much harder to deal with the everyday struggles and well as qualifications.
It is often argued that daycare workers get paid just enough or more than enough. Thus it is understandable that parents do not want to spend more than they have to of their well earned money. This fact is very understandable. Parents have to pay for their living and they have bills just like child care workers. Anybody in the working field knows what its like to work hard and make so little. Child care workers are a big example of this. They work a hard, sometimes stressful job and they do not seem to get appreciated for it. Parents feel it is okay to ask for raises or more benefits, so why cant child care workers?

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