Examples Of Eating A Healthy Diet Essay

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A healthy eating plan involves eating a range of food in the right amount. These are some of the changes you will have to make for that better health you are striving for. Eating a healthy diet ensures that your body functions properly and that you become healthy, which is the reason of this plan. Things will start to feel different; your body will stay in a state whereby it is ready to fight illness and diseases. The wide range of food you should select involves all fruits and vegetables like cabbages, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, beans, garlic, peppers, tomatoes, onions, any herbs etc. As in fruits: Bananas, apples, mangoes, berries, any stone fruit, best what is in season and fresh. Include many or at least some of these in your daily healthy eating plan every day.

Here are the first important steps you can start with now to change your old unhealthy eating habits to a life changing one for the better.

The first step is to avoid sugary things. Anything that has sugar or added sugar is contributing to bad health and weight gain. This is not as easy as it may sound, …show more content…

Carbohydrates are a source of energy. It is in our bodies in the form of starch which is later converted into glucose. Protein helps in the growth of our body cells and in the repair of destroyed cells and other parts. Once you eat foods rich in protein, the nutrients become amino acids and our digestive system cannot handle these large molecules. Fats are a preserved form of energy used by the body if it runs out of food. Fat is also used as insulation for our bodies as some of it is under the skin. The point about fat: Our body needs fat; it cannot survive without it, although the body needs the right type of fat. All that wrong information over the last few decades about fat is unhealthy is a myth. Saturated fats found in natural food is good fat. Trans fat in processed food is the bad fat and better be

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