The Evolution Of Gregor Mendel's Theory Of Evolution

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DNA is the building block of life; it is a series of genetic code that determines characteristics in all living things such as skin colour in humans. With the exception of identical twins, no one person has the same DNA structure, every human and animal is unique. The genes inherited by the living organisms mother and father and from their surrounding environment generate this uniqueness, which creates a unique genome; these two integral factors are the foundations of Evolution. Every living cell contains a nucleus, the organelle is comprised of chromosomes that are made up of DNA which are thread likes structures which carry genetic make up in the form of genes. A gene is a short segmented section of DNA that is necessary for controlling the sequence of a specific protein by determining which amino acids will be joined together. Reproduction occurs in humans when two haploid cells fuse together to form a zygote. The nuclei of both these cells fuse, bringing together half the genetic information from …show more content…

Mendel experimented on pea plants, however his principles apply to the traits present in plants and animals. He experimented on Pea Plants as each generation of offspring presented the same observable characteristics as their parents. From his findings he based his theory on seven traits of the plant for example, shape, as each trait had two options of variability such as round or wrinkled. The principles of genetics he developed from inheritance were catergorised into heredity, segregation and assortment. Mendel discovered traits could either be dominant or recessive, this was evident when pure-bred parent plants were cross-bred, the dominant traits were always apparent in the offspring, while recessive traits weren’t present until the

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