An Islamic View on Divorce

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In Islam divorce is called ‘talk’. Such a temporary marriage is not permitted in Islam, and is regarded as sinful. Even so, it was permitted in the early days of Islam but subsequently prohibited in various Hadith. In Islam, the husband or the wife both can initiate a divorce.
There are some reasons for divorce. An inevitable outcome of a divorce can be emotionally and mentally challenging for them. Some reasons for a divorce are purely selfish and have no sensation at all. One of the nonsense causes is jealousy. The spouse who constantly feels jealousy has some sort of confidence problem. There are some other reasons, the couples have conflicting personal beliefs, their marital satisfaction decreases slowly, adultery comes between them, cruel treatment occurs, irretrievable breakdown of some kind, feeling imprisonment, and having an affair with someone else. Whatever the reason is, it is easy to fix.
In a divorce, domestic violence occurs too. Domestic violence destroys the lives of many people every year. The majority of them are women, and effects expanding circles of their children, relatives, friends, employers. Research shows that, violence occurs in two-thirds of all marriages, and majority of the victims are women. Children have also witnessed physical violence between their parents. Many of them become victims of violent relationships. Some people feel that they can’t handle it with the legal system. If you see such violence, call the police if needed, contact the domestic violence relief agency in your area. They can give you advice and guide you to a safe place. A court order can also provide some help, then you can retain possession of the home and custody of your children.
There are certain steps need to be taken in divorce to ensure that both parties are treated with respect and justice. The first step a couple should make is to evaluate the relationship, and tries to reconsider it. If you find that there is no other option than divorce, there is no shame in proceeding to the next step. The Quran says: “And if you fear a breach between the two, appoint an arbiter from his relatives and an arbiter from her relatives. If they both desire reconciliation Allah will affect the harmony between them. Verily Allah has full knowledge, and is aware of everything.” (Surah An-Nisa 4:35)
In the second step, couples seek an independent marriage counselor as arbiter.

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