The Major Causes for Divorce

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Many people main life dream is to marry the person they have fall in love with someday. However, most of the time, this dream can be shattered. When the expectations they have for the relationship are not met, the marriage starting to fail and the end result can be devastating. When two people make a commitment to live with each order happily ever after, the worst thing that can happen is to deal with divorce. Therefore, there could be numerous factors or causes contributing to the end of a matrimonial union between two persons, such as lack of communication, infidelity and financial issues.
The first significant cause for divorce is lack of communication. In a marriage, the lack of communication represents a major issue and can hinder the relationship badly. When couples are unable to communicate effectively their feeling or needs, they have become distant to each other emotionally and physically. Some couples do not create time to talk to one another. When a problem starts, which can soon become a bigger issue when ignored. When couples are unable to resol...

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