Creative Writing: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Victor Frankenstein spent months in his laboratory constructing a monstrous figure from discarded human remains. When the crack of lightening on this particular night deemed Victor a father, he proudly accepted his fate. Victor dreamed of producing an offspring but Elizabeth’s infertility posed a problem for biological children. His desire to be a father could have been satisfied through adoption or a surrogate, but Victor’s interest in the creation of life lead him to take matters into his own hands. The months of Victor’s hard work had finally come to a head when the creature calmly sat up from the operating table and stared, with deep-yellow eyes, into the optics of his creator.

“Hello my creature,” said Victor but there was no reply. Initially the creature lacked the ability to produce language, however, Victor was certain of his capability to comprehend language. Seconds after the greeting, the creature nodded his thick skull and produced a grunt as he motioned for Victor to come. As Victor slowly approached the creature he became more aware of his unaesthetically appeasing form and for a second became afraid of the giant monstrosity he had created. Victor tried to …show more content…

In fact, he was eager to present his work to the public but more importantly to Elizabeth, the creature’s mother. Victor fancied the creature, dressing him in a suit tailored by Elizabeth and combing his patchy hair. Though large in stature, the clothes covered most of the scars giving the impression of someone approachable and not monster-like at all. While the scars on his face were still visible in some sense he did not appear atrocious; the clothes seemed to create a facade to the monster deep inside. The creature’s attire along with his contagious smile made him appear beautiful. Although at first glance his appearance was daunting, the clothes presumed him civilized and his smile made him more

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