Crime, Crimes And The Responsibility Of Crime Prevention

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Crime is defined as an omission or an act that violates the set laws in a given jurisdiction, and which is punishable when an individual is convicted (Arrington, 2006). Crimes include offenses concerning drugs, against property or people, offenses as per the provision of the federal statute, and motor vehicle offenses. Some of the disorderly behaviors, which may include public urination, aggressive panhandling, and sleeping in public areas, such as streets, are not necessarily considered to be criminal acts, but such acts always affect the community or the society since it leads to the erosion of the quality of life in the given society or community in which such activities are rampant. Normally, there are three main factors that must be present so that a crime can take place. These include the presence of a motivated offender, who has the intention of performing the criminal activity, The availability of a suitable target, that motivates and arouse the interest of the offender to engage in the criminal activity, and a third part, which either a person or something the either encourages the crime to take place or discourages the criminal acts form being committed by the offender. In essence, this can be put as that, crimes concerns people, situations, and places. These elements are thus the responsibility of crime prevention of crime reduction.
Crime prevention is a very important concept that has been in place for a long period of time. However, most recently, the issue of crime reduction has been introduced. These terms are at times used or employed interchangeably, which may be confusing. By definition, Crime prevention involves the approaches that work towards ensuring that criminal activities are not committed (Schneider, 201...

... middle of paper ... high in the city. The highest non-violent crime that was experienced in the city, in January 2014 is theft, and he statistics indicated a total of 6,432 cases. The next highest type of crime in the non-violent class is burglary whose statistics indicated 1,944 cases. The relatively lower non-violent crime in the city is auto theft, whose data were reported to be 1,233 cases in the first month of 2014. From the above summary of the crime rates in the city, it is clear that the most prevalent form of crime affecting the city in non-violent crimes. There is, thus, a need for the formulation and implementation of crime prevention programs that are mostly centered on the prevention of non-violent crimes in the city, since these are the most experienced crimes in the city. This proposal is, thus, going to focus on the corrections branch of the criminal justice system.

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