Analysis Of Blake Griffin's Advertisement

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This advertisement presents both the Kia Optima and an NBA star player Blake Griffin. Blake Griffin is a half African American and half Caucasian all-star NBA basketball player and arguably top 10 in the league. The advertisement begins with the player holding one black chess piece. This piece he happens to be holding is the king in chess. In chess, the king piece is the most important piece, the strongest of all the others as opposed to the pawn, which is the weakest piece. In the advertisement Blake Griffins head is attached as one of the chess pieces specifically the king. His face is attached to the piece he is holding in the scene. Blake Griffin is on a chessboard using his king piece and pushing away all the pawn pieces away from the …show more content…

The driver who recently purchased the vehicle is shown wearing business dress attiring showing that he is capable of securing a respectable job. With a respectable job often comes respectable pay. This respectable pay is what enables him to afford the Kia Optima. Not only is this brand new car a great one it is one of great comfort and leisure. The advertisement also seems to be advertising the name of Blake Griffin and his employer, the NBA. Blake Griffin is an already well-known basketball player and the more he is seen in these advertisements the higher his marketability will be. By the Kia Optima partnering with a well-known brand such as the NBA with an up and coming vehicle both brands are benefiting. What also seems to be advertised is the idea that sports are what take individuals into the “zone”. With the figure skater and horse back rider in the background these two sports are displayed as ones that are superior. These sports require a great level of concentration and difficulty to get to the top of the sport. This causes people to be informed about these sports hat they may not had known about prior. This also gives the Kia Optima a feeling of being sportive. Leading to a crowd that is interested in items such as these. Another extension that could be drawn is from the attractiveness of Blake Griffin. This same extension can be extended to the Kia Optima itself as an attractive

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