Chicken Food or Fast Food? May be a Disease?

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Chicken is a great food. Everybody likes chicken, and it is one of the world’s most demanded food every day. If we go to the eastern world, chicken is equally popular, especially in country like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Bhutan where chicken is the main source of meat as well, and is preferred more than the other kinds of meat. However Chicken is also a deadly source of disease if we look back from past few years to the date today. There are people dying every day due to the diseases such as Bird flew, salmonella septicemia etc. caused by the infected chickens. I would like to talk about these kind of hazards that chicken is causing in our health system every day and the effect of chicken related fast food in our health.
Lot of people have been victim of salmonella septicemia which causes the swelling of the body and is painful to the infected person. This is normally caused from the raw chicken, and recently in California this epidemic has caused a lot of victims to hospitalize (Weise). These contaminated chicken were sold in California, Oregon, and Washington and its...

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