French Revolution Successes Essay

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The American and French Revolutions were both very well known for many different reasons. Luckily, for the American Revolution, they were the ones that actually succeeded, the French on the other hand were not as fortunate in their success. The American Revolution was successful because they broke apart from the British; some of the ways that they did this were with the Declaration of Independence, and the constitution. The French on the other hand failed, they did not successes because of the beheading of Marie Antoinette, and the storming of the Bastille.
The American Constitution is one of the longest standing constitutions that are existing today. The Declaration of Independence helped America declare its freedom from the British. …show more content…

It all started on October 16, 1793 when the beheading of Marie Antoinette happened. She was accused for helping the enemy and producing civil war within France. On her way to getting beheaded, she spent time in many different Parisian Prisons. During the summer of 1788, France was having some very serious economic problems. Louis XVI yielded to pressure and assembled the Estates General which was a governmental body that represented France’s three Estates (nobles, the church, and then French common people). She then agreed to the granting of the third estates as many representatives as the other two estates combined. Nevertheless, after the storming of the Bastille she ended up supported the conservative court faction that insisted on keeping the royal family in …show more content…

The French peopled stormed Bastille, which is a prison that had the symbol of the absolute monarchy, and contained only seven prisoners. It all started with mob looting another prison called the Invalids prison to search for arms to fight the attack from the army that was loyal to the king. During the raid, over 32,000 rifles were taken but none of the ammunition was removed from the prison. The Bastille was a symbol of brutality and totalitarian power because of many stories of torture and brutality. The storming of the Bastille was a success and it brought freedom to seven prisoners along with the ending of a royal tyranny. It also became a symbol of despotic power to an end. This was a very big turning point in the French revolution, because this is when the people of France really took matters into their own hands and went against the government by raiding the prison and taking all of the weapons. Only one of the guards defending the base was killed and approximately 97 civilians were killed. The thing that really helped the people attacking the base was the fact that they brought in two huge cannons that really solidified their victory against the government. Robespierre was a very important character in all of this, he believed that the power of perfection was the democracy. He came up with an idea of the committee of public city is to get rid of their external and internal enemies (nobles, etc.). He

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