French Revolution Essays

  • The French Revolution: The Causes Of The French Revolution

    765 Words  | 2 Pages

    The French revolution was a time where political and social chaos took place from 1789 until 1799, it was also the first nationalistic movement that accepted the ideologies of liberty, equality, and brotherhood. The french revolution gave people a new way of thinking to abandon the idea of divine rights and slavery. The french revolution triggered a global decline in absolute monarchies and replaced them with mostly democracies and republics. The causes of the french revolution could have been for

  • The French Revolution

    1757 Words  | 4 Pages

    The French revolution “broke” Europe. The whole world changed once the effects of the revolution spread through Europe. The series of events that followed the revolution because of the revolution shapes the world today. The general population (the 3rd estate) had enough of absolutism. King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette were unpopular. This resulted from multiple things including England humiliating France in the Seven Years War, rising food prices (Hart-Davis 302). They had also been the

  • French Revolution

    787 Words  | 2 Pages

    The French Revolution was a time for expansion in human freedom. It was a way for the French to re-invent their government to give some sort of equality for their people. There were many successes the French Revolution made, such as creating public schools for children and making it mandatory for them to attend. The French Revolution had the intentions to create a better government and lifestyle for their people, such as Jacobins who believed in the poor having their turn to rule. Though, others

  • The French Revolution

    585 Words  | 2 Pages

    The French Revolution The French Revolution last from 1789 to 1799. This war had many causes that began the revolution. Its causes ranged from the American Revolution, the economic crisis in France, social injustices to the immediate causes like the fall of Bastille, the Convening of he Estate-General, and the Great Fear. As a result of this revolution there many effects , immediate and long term. The immediate effects were the declaration of rights of man, abolishing of olds reign, execution

  • French Revolution

    631 Words  | 2 Pages

    The French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in 1792, though certain people include Napoleon’s reign as part of the revolution, stating it ended in 1804. It was a time of confusion, disorder, and bloodshed. The commoners of France decided that they were being treated unjustly and planned to overthrow their king. The French Revolution was a long and terrible war, which promoted democracy and equality for the people of France and resulted, not only in the death of Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI

  • The French Revolution

    1075 Words  | 3 Pages

    into revolts. English Industrial Revolution vaulted Britain to the fore. France was the most powerful and the most typical of the old aristocratic absolute monarchies of Europe. (lower taxes off backs of lower classes). Major inequities, inflation and lack of food, very minimal reforms, rising aspirations of middle classes -bourgeoise. Among 23 million Frenchmen, there were 400,000 who formed the nobility -and army officers and clergy. French Revolution extraordinarily important: occurred

  • french revolution

    823 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Revolution That Shook the World The French Revolution was the event that changed much of the way Europe was governed. The French rebellion pitted the poor against the ruling rich and monarchs and though the path was not straight, it did eventually lead to equality for France and much of Europe. The French Revolution occurred over a period of ten years (1789 – 1799), and appeared to be a failure because of its brutality. However, as the years passed, the feudal life that existed for most of

  • The French Revolution

    879 Words  | 2 Pages

    The French Revolution (1789-99) violently transformed France from a monarchical state with a rigid social hierarchy into a modern nation in which the social structure was loosened and power passed increasingly to the middle classes. There is considerable controversy over the causes of the Revolution. Marxist scholars emphasize material factors: as the population increased, food supplies grew short; land had become divided into such small parcels that most Frenchmen lived close to the subsistence

  • THe French Revolution

    1817 Words  | 4 Pages

    During the summer of 1793, the radical phase of the French Revolution was intensified by the Terror, created by The Committee of Public Safety. The Terror successfully preserved the Revolution by weeding out counter-revolutionaries to eliminate corruption within the government and giving equality to all social classes which untied France under one government. However, these successes were undermined by the many failures of the Terror due to the oppression of citizens which would lead to many executions

  • The French Revolution

    914 Words  | 2 Pages

    stormed the Bastille and initiated the French Revolution. This essay will analyze the main causes of the French Revolution, specifically, the ineffectiveness of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the dissatisfaction of the Third Estate, and the Enlightenment. It will also be argued that the most significant factor that caused the French Revolution is the ineffective leadership of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The first and main reason for the French Revolution was the terrible leadership of King

  • French Revolution

    740 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction The French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790’s (staff). Just like the American Revolution the French Revolution started with new ideas of enlightenment. French citizens started to uproot everything that was considered normal, things such as absolute monarchy and the feudal system, they wanted to redesign everything (staff). Although a lot of the attempts failed people continued to try to make the change. The Beginning to a Highly Bloody Battle In 1786, Louis’s general

  • The French Revolution

    2697 Words  | 6 Pages

    The French Revolution The French Revolution was one of the most violent and chaotic events in history. It took place in France from 1789 to 1795. The end result was a good one, with France’s government being transformed from an oppressive monarchy, to a nationalist state that stood for freedom, equality, and unalienable rights. The process, however, is the interesting part. Historians have debated many years over the causes of the French Revolution. Most agree that the main reason for the uprising

  • The French Revolution

    882 Words  | 2 Pages

    The French Revolution The French Revolution evokes many different emotions and controversial issues in that some believe it was worth the cost and some don't. There is no doubt that the French Revolution did have major significance in history. Not only did the French gain their independence, but an industrial revolution also took place. One of the main issues of the Revolution was it's human costs. Two writers, the first, Peter Kropotkin who was a Russian prince, and the other Simon Schama

  • French Revolution

    2185 Words  | 5 Pages

    The constitution of 1791 also resulted in dramatic changes to the political structure. It, however, did not bring relief to those who most deserved it, the peasants. These events were the prologue to the French Revolution, the most important event in France’s history. The French Revolution was a direct result of overspending by King Louis XIV and Louis XVI, leaving France a financially unstable nation and ultimately resulting in a revolt by the Third Estate upset by the dwindling social and economic

  • The French Revolution

    1542 Words  | 4 Pages

    The French Revolution The years before the French Revolution (which started in 1789 AD.) were ones of vast, unexpected change and confusion. One of the changes was the decline of the power of the nobles, which had a severe impact on the loyalty of some of the nobles to King Louis XVI. Another change was the increasing power of the newly established middle class, which would result in the monarchy becoming obsolete. The angry and easily manipulated peasants, who were used by the bourgeoisie for

  • French Absolutism and the French Revolution

    2294 Words  | 5 Pages

    French Absolutism and the French Revolution During the period between 1589 through 1783, the French Monarchy had risen to its height of absolute power and then was destroyed by the French Revolution. The reigns of Henry IV, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis XVI each contributed to the strengthening of the French Monarchy as well as the destruction. Class struggles were a major problem throughout the reigns of each king. France was broken into three estates that were;

  • The French Revolution A Boourgeoisie Revolution?

    1694 Words  | 4 Pages

    When discussing the French Revolution, historians debate whether or not the revolution was a bourgeoisie revolution or not. The conventional interpretation of the revolution from the time of Jules Michelet, a French historian of the nineteenth century to much of twentieth century Marxist historians including Georges Lefebvre and Albert Soboul have interpreted the French Revolution in terms of a class struggle between the Bourgeoisie and the nobles of the Second Estate, which led to the transition

  • The French Revolution: The Most Turning Point Of The French Revolution

    1510 Words  | 4 Pages

    Throughout the French revolution, there were many turning points that irrevocably changed the course of history both within France and in a global scale. The revolutionaries faced many tough decisions with consequences that were beyond the scope of human understanding. These moments also helped define what the French Revolution was and what goals the revolutionaries hoped to accomplish through their actions. In many ways the French Revolution itself was a turning point for both France and humanity

  • Class Revolution: The French Revolution

    1780 Words  | 4 Pages

    France and forever be known as the French Revolution. During this time period, France was divided into 3 social classes known as the Clergy, the Nobles, and the Common People. Each class was treated differently and some very unfairly, but the problem was that each class was divided into more classes within that class. Above all jobs, wealth, and social status were major factors of where a person would be in the society. The main reason for the French revolution was that France’s people greatly differed

  • French Revolution Dbq

    1488 Words  | 3 Pages

    the Historical sphere, there is no unanimity regarding the impact of the French revolution on the status quo of western Europe. The argument lies that the revolution was insurgent and promoted ideas contrary to conventional belief, thus leaving an enduring impact stemming from nationalism and liberalism, on France and western Europe. In contrast, many individuals affirm the position that the changes yielded from the revolution was reversed by reactionary responses consequently discrediting the revolution's