A Case Study of Campbell Soup Harmony Project

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Modern organizations use a variety of resources to fulfill their objectives regardless if the company is a multinational or small entity, they all have a set of resources they depend on to achieve their goals. Part of the resource relied on is Information, and this information needs to be managed to optimize its value to produce the best stakeholder value they can. In order to manage these resources, Information Management systems are put in place.
Information Management has to do with capturing information, efficient planning, organizing and evaluating the information to interpret for an organization to make well informed decisions. (Hinton, 2006) The main reason organizations depend on information is to improve its overall management in order to yield significant operational benefits in all areas of the organization and importantly its overall efficiency, competitiveness and responsiveness. The improvements either need expansion in the amount of information required or implementing a new information management system.(Power, 1983) The information management system is effective in organizations when the activities are shared amongst various groups, preparing them for change in the information system by identifying problems and evaluating it and gradually integrating actions in the project for successful implementation. (Bass, 1983), (Mintzberg, Rasinghami and Theoret 1976). Most organizations believe Information Technology and Information Management is the same but according to Hinton (2006), while Information Technology is an important role in an organization. Information Management is broader it helps the organization to build, maintain and re-build its business processes and information system.
A Case Study of Campbell Soup Ha...

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...priately for the smooth running of an organization.

Works Cited

1. Bass, B.M. (1983). Organizational Decision Making. Inc Homewood, Illinois.
2. Hinton, M. (2006). Introducing Information Management: The business approach. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth- Heinemann.
3. Mintzberg, H. Rasinghami, D. & Thoret, A. (1976). The Structure Of Unstructured Decision Processes. Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 21 (2), pp 246-275.
4. Power, D.J. (1983). The Impact Of Information Management On The Organization : Two Scenarios. MIS Quarterly, Vol 7 (3) pp 13-20, http://www.jstor.org/stable/249053.
5. Ross, J.W & Beath, C.M. (2008). Campbell Soup Company: Harmonizing processes and Empowering Workers. MIT Sloan Research Paper No. 4931-11. Available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1881723.
6. Strassman, P. (1995). The Politics Of Information Management. Information Economic Press.

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