Table of Contents
1. Overview of the BASF logistics operation in Southeast Asia
1.1 Company background
1.2 The supply chain and logistics operation of the company in Southeast Asia
2. Company's problem identification
2.1 Lack of qualified personnel in logistics
2.2 Lack of appropriate logistics strategy
2.3 Overlapped organizational structure
2.4 Weak information system within the whole region
3. Recommendations
3.1 Changes in terms of logistics personnel
3.2 Implementation of one single logistics strategy within the regional company
3.3 Restructuring the organizational structure
3.4 Establishing a coordinated information system
4. Cost and benefit of the recommendations
4.1 Cost of the recommendations
4.2 Benefit of the recommendations
5. Reference List
Report of BASF
1. Overview of the BASF logistics operation in Southeast Asia
1.1 Company background
BASF is one of the world's largest chemical companies. It was established in 1865 with the main product was coal tar based dyestuff. It has six main categories of products, which are oil and gas, chemicals, agricultural products, plastics and fibers, dyestuff and finishing products, and consumer products. The structure of the company is presented by three-dimensional matrix consisting of operating, regional and functional divisions. Since 1960, the company began to expand its operation at a global level through acquisition. In Southeast Asia, the company has over 30 companies in 16 countries through the region of which 12 have the production facility. Headquarter for the region is located in Singapore.
1.2 The supply chain and logistics operation of the company in Southeast Asia
In terms of the flow of goods in the region, each group company can directly order the material, produce the goods and sell them within the regional market. They build their own physical flow of goods, being relatively independent from the parent companys physical flow of goods. However, only one third of total revenue in the southeast Asia is produced in the region due to the limited production capacity of the group companies, the remaining two-thirds are still mainly supplied from the company's main production site in Germany.
Regarding the information management, there is little information flow within the region as group companies are located in different countries. Besides, each group company has developed its own information system so it is hard to communicate and share information among them. There is almost no systematic information within the regional company due to the lack of computer support.
Then in the organization and structure management, the headquarter in Singapore holds the responsibility for the performance in the region, however, each group company is also responsible for one or more of the BASF production line and therefore, be responsible to the BASF's operating division.
Faboil Ltd has evolved into a relatively successful organisation in the biotechnology field. The success of the company and its paternal approach was adopted by Dr Alfred Brownlow. Dr Brownlow has led from the front in terms of developing the product range for Faboil Ltd. Richard Cranberry (Director of Biotechnology) has driven very hard to maintain the success of the company, although the organisation lag behind in terms of modus operandi technology. At present, the monopoly position of Faboil Ltd has slowly eroded away and faces two competitors. The major causes are that the new products have failed to live up to market expectations and it is at a backward stage only holding a 20% market share. This report will find the causes of issues in the company and give ideas and resolutions on how to fix the problem.
Its functional structure is organized with many executive vice presidents reporting to the CEO and additional functions representing a major component of the Target value chain such as a store, design, manufacturing, sales and marketing, logistics, and customer service. Each functional unit is supervised by a functional chain of command that focuses on their area of responsibility. This way CEO provides direction and ensures that the activities of the functional managers are coordinated and integrated across Target
To conclude, these issues are holding back the firm from being able to sustain profitability to a great extent. If these are resolved, then it can help the firm to form an overall profitability as each of its subsidiaries will contribute to be profitable by functioning only in the packaging sector or exploring new markets.
The Company observes the practice of decentralization where the responsibility and authority in all decision-making for the divisions’ operations lie in its respective division managers, except those relating to overall company policy.
The organization has five hierarchical levels, consisting of a set of divisional/regional managers, and three additional levels that exist in the plant. The plant organization consists of three levels: the plant manager, the seven area superintendents, and the front line people. The two cofounders decided “to avoid creating bureaucratic organizations resembling the government” because of their bad experiences working for the government. As a result, the structure of AES is highly decentralized. This allows managers and employees to both take ownership of their roles and have input on the success of the company. It also allows individuals to develop leadership skills for potential promotions. This flat management structure encourages high employee involvement in all decision-making opportunities.
In general terms, the organizational structure of the Electronic Products Division of Allentown follows the same structure of the other divisions. Under the General Manager there is a controller, a product development manager, a manufacturing manager (with three plants treated as three different profit centers), a sales manager and a marketing manager. The last two may be the major difference regarding the general structure of the company, since sales and marketing are usually combined in one single department. The breakdown in two departments has been made by the general manager, reasoning that the sales division should be concerned about short-term actions, while the marketing one should take care of pricing policies and strategic plan.
...y assurance systems. Developing independent manufacturing divisions in the different regions would ensure better coordination within the company’s global business.
The BASC-2 SRP-A (Self Report of Personality) is a personality assessment for adolescents ages 12-21. It uses a 2-point response format (True/False) and 4-point response format (Never, Sometimes, Often, or Almost Always). The BASC-2 was designed as a tool to assist with making diagnosis of disorders using the DSM-IV. The BASC SRP evaluates school problems, personal adjustment, and internalizing problems (Matson, Andrasik, & Matson, 2009). The BASC-2 SRP is completed by the child or adolescent and it provides insight about their emotions, perceptions, and behaviors towards home, school, and their peers. Mary’s mother during the interview provided information about Mary’s social and emotional behavior in the home and at school. By having Mary complete this assessment, more information is provided about her social and emotional development.
A BFA acting program is the best way I can get the education I need to make a career out of acting in theatre. The last year I’ve spent Ohio University has greatly challenged me as a person, but what I love the most about my time spent here is my acting classes and the opportunities I am afforded outside of the theatre department to act. I have learned so much in the little time I’ve been here and I am continuously inspired by the faculty and upperclassmen of the Theatre Division to do the work I’m passionate about. Therefore, I hope to continue both doing and being challenged by what I love most about this school: its acting program.
This report will give us a clear perspective as to what the optimal organizational structure that suits Rendell Company plus some additional control system in attaining the company’s main objectives. We will be also tackling the roles, functions and responsibilities of a controller in an organization. This case takes us into Rendell Company which is currently having problems between the corporate controller and the divisional controller. We assessed the advantages and disadvantages of the organization structure of Martex whether it can be applied and be implemented to Rendell Company in order to resolve the problem. Through the frameworks and issues, we concluded that while current setup would cause some budgetary discrepancies because of the lack of loyalty between the divisional controllers to the corporate controller, changing the organization structure of Martex would cause a disparity between the division manager and the divisional controller thus resulting in an anxiety in their working environment which is too costly as compared to maintaining the current setup.
Communication is an integral part of working in the business environment. Individuals communicate various pieces of information to internal and external business stakeholders.The design of an organization should provide for communication in four in distinct directions: downward, upward, horizontal, and diagonal. But we have only discuss about downward communication and upward communication, where downward communication is more prevalent than upward communication in organization. Communication can flow vertically or laterally. The vertical dimension can be further divided into downward and upward direction. Downward communication is more prevalent because in this type of communication, we have to give orders and instructions to our sub-ordinates. So we have to explain each and every step that is going to help in work. But in upward communication they sub-ordinates do not have to give instructions their head.
Over recent years companies have become less dependent on paper and more dependent on technology. Take American Honda Motors for example; the Davenport Parts facility recently converted computer systems to more efficiently manage its inventory. Prior to its new system months of preparation was needed in order to ensure a smooth change over. Without the four basic functions of management all working together success would not have been possible.
Organizational structure within an organization is a critical component of the day to day operations of a business. An organization benefits from organizational structure as a result of all it encompasses. It is used to define how tasks are divided, grouped and coordinated. Six elements should be addressed during the design of the organization’s structure: work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, spans of control, centralization and decentralization. These components are a direct reflection of the organization’s culture, power and politics.
Data can be organized a specific way for each business to be able to get the best use. Employees can also access the system at the same time but in different ways. For example, the customer service team can pull up documents and keep track of complaints at the same time that the marketing team is in a
Same goes to this article that has its weaknesses. Besides these criticisms, this paper has some value and we need to judge it in terms of the authors' purpose in writing it. It is not intended to be a precise piece of academic work, but is intended mainly to enhance leadership in information field. As a conclusion, information leadership is about exploiting information resources and infrastructures, but in order to be valuable it should also demonstrate a completely understanding the consequences. The article is basically in line with the descriptions of the concepts discussed in earlier literature that covers definitions of information and knowledge leadership and bring both conceptual and practical clarity to the different aspects of the responsibilities of information and knowledge professionals. This article gives much knowledge that benefit to readers so they can think towards new era of information leadership. Hence, this article is good to be a reference for its intended users regarding information and knowledge