Decision Support Systems in Organizational Decision Making

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Decision Support Systems in Organizational Decision Making Decision making refers to the process of finding and selecting options according to the priorities and values of the person making the decision. Since there are many choices involved, it is important to identify as many options as possible so as to pick the option that best fits a company’s target, goals, values and vision. Due to the integral role of decision making in company growth and financial progress, many firms such as and EBay are pumping in huge investments in business intelligence systems, which are made up of certain technological tools and technological applications that are created for the purpose of facilitating improved decision making process in business. In this paper, I take a critical look at Decision Support Systems and how they affect organizational Decision making. Advantages of Decision Support Systems Decision Support Systems (DSS) help with time management. All groups of DSS enhance reduced time circle involved in the decision making process. At, DSS enhance the productivity of employees and facilitate timely acquisition of information that is necessary for the decision making process. DSS facilitate enhanced interpersonal communication among those responsible for decision making. Communication-Driven Decision Support Systems and Group Decision Support Systems lead in more lubricated communication process and sharing of information. Moreover, Model-Based Decision Support systems offer a platform for sharing certain facts and suppositions regarding the decision making process. At Data-driven Decision make certain information about the company available to managers to make it easy for them to make decisions that ens... ... middle of paper ... ...ow to handle competition from other e-commerce companies. Conclusion I believe that Decision Support Systems (DSS) can be properly implemented to facilitate decision making process as is done at At DSS are used to emphasize change, speedy response, and flexibility in decision making. Though I believe that DSS are important in decision making especially for a company like whose focus is in e-commerce, there are concerns that must be addressed to make the implementation of DSS more accepted and effective. References Haag, S. & Cummings, M. (2008). Management information systems for the information age (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Works Cited Haag, S. & Cummings, M. (2008). Management information systems for the information age (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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