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Importance of financial management
Management information system in accounting
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Features of MIS
Management information systems can be used as a support to managers to provide a competitive advantage. The system must support the goals of the organization. Most organizations are structured along functional lines, and the typical systems are identified as follows:
1. Accounting management information systems:
All accounting reports are shared by all levels of accounting managers. The management of the information which at the accounting department is one of the most important factors in determines the effectiveness and efficiency of the department. The information that gathers included the invoice, account document, payment, draft, banking document and etc. It is important to ensure the validity and the accuracy of the information that provided to the department.
The information is usually arrange and manage by computer system compare to the human power which written down in black and white. The software and system which use for the management of the information in accounting were UBS system, SQL system and other relevant system that can manage the accounting information files. The system using especially the SQL system is the most suitable system to maintain and reorder the accounting department information. The information that gather mixed or not in order is easily recognize by the system and determine the detail and type it's use to be.
In the accounting department, the information is an important element that running the operation of the department. The accounting department is relying on the information as well as other department that rely on it in the other way around. It is important that other department give the invoice and other accounting relevant document to the accounting department for management and kept. It is also vital that the accounting department provide the right and accurate information to the organization and other department. The reliability and prediction of the information determine the future of the organization and the trustee of public to the organization.
2. Financial management information systems:
The financial management information system provides financial information to all financial managers within an organization including the chief financial officer. The chief financial officer analyzes historical and current financial activity, projects future financial needs, and monitors and controls the use of funds over time using the information developed by the MIS department.
The information that has for financial department will determine the budget and the planning for the organization. In establish or development for the organization, the financial information that gathers will determine the size of the company.
MIS stands for Management Information System; it plays a crucial part in the business because it allows the flow of information between all levels of management as well as the different functional areas of the company. MIS is made out of the Decision support systems, Knowledge management systems, office automation systems, Transaction Processing Systems and the executive support system.
Asemi observe that Management Information System (MIS) is one of the information systems that is computer based. Besides, Asemi defines MIS as “an organizational method of providing past, present and project information related to internal operations and external intelligences. It supports the planning, control and operation functions of an organization by furnishing uniform information in the proper time frame to assist the decision makers,” (2011). The aim of MIS is to satisfy the general information need of the entire manager in an organization. Before the advent of computers, the process of decision-making was one that was full of built-in advantages and ad hoc methods. Computers technologies have changed the landscape of the decision-making process completely by making the process less demanding and easy to undertake. The reason for this situation is that information technology has made access to information more automated, efficient, effective, timely, and less ambiguous. Consequently, the ordinary t...
Management accounting in organisation is very important for decision-making and to make the business more efficient and therefore increasing its profits. Is the process of preparing accounts that can help managers to make day-to-day and short-term decisions, by providing them with accurate and timely key financial and statistical information...
Ackoff identifies five assumptions commonly made by designers of management information systems (MIS). With these assumptions, Ackoff argues that these assumptions are in most cases not justified cases, and often lead to major deficiencies in the resulting systems, i.e. "Management Misinformation Systems." To overcome these assumptions and the deficiencies which result from them, Ackoff recommends that management information system should be imbedded in a management control system.
In the business world today, technology is becoming an essential staple. Every big business relies on it one way or another. More importantly than just technology itself, the use of management information systems is what guides a company in terms of catering to its customers and knowing what moves to make next. Management information systems (MIS) can be defined is the study of people, technology, and organizations (What is MIS?). However, that is a very general definition because there is a lot more that comes out of the use of these MIS systems.
Financial and Managerial accounting are used for making sound financial decisions about an organization. They provide information of past quantitative financial activities and are useful in making future economic decisions. (Albrecht, Stice, Stice, & Skousen, 2002) The same financial data is used to derive reports for each accounting process yet they differ in some ways. Financial accounting primarily provides external reports for external users such as stock holders, creditors, regulating authority and others. (Garrison, Noreen, & Brewer, 2010) On the other hand Managerial accounting is concern with providing information that deals with the internal viability of the organization and is tailored to meet the needs of an individual organization. (Albrecht, Stice, Stice, & Skousen, 2002)
Rainer, RK, Prince, B & Watson, HJ 2013, Management information systems: Moving business forward, 2nd ed. Australia: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, p 70-71
Accounting Information Systems
Managerial accountants need to use accounting information in seeing to it that they are able to plan, evaluate the company performance, manage risks and control the business operations in a manner that is deemed beneficial to the business as a whole (Caplan, n. d). This can be achieved through: having high standards of ethics in all situations; employing the techniques of management reports, budgetary control, and analysis of fund flows and financial statements; making prudent capital investment decisions; and maintaining continuous quality control systems.
In Management, the accountant gives advices to the individuals and business people, how to manage their business. The account information is considered and some business decisions are taken in both financial and non-financial departments. Budgeting, tax filing, and financial statements. Other activities like involve in planning com...
The following essay aims to analyse in depth a computerised accounting system and its aspects such as its history, what technologies is based on, and how it has developed since its beginning. Other aspects such as the current state of the system and the interactions with other systems and the future of the system will also be covered in this paper.
I am interested in conducting research and teaching in managerial accounting, auditing and assurance services and accounting information systems. In particular, I am interested in exploring the role of accounting information systems in decision making, internal control, and auditing. In order to gain an appreciation of these and related issues, it is essential for me to have a strong grounding accounting, accounting information systems, information technology, managerial accounting, as well as gain a general economic and management perspective.
Accounting dates back as far as first centuries, is the language of business. As everything has gone through many changes, accounting has also changed many times through out the centuries. It went from the use of abacus to the most advanced softwares, and computers. With these drastic improvements nowadays accounting, financial accounting and management are facing big challenges. From the presentation of the reports to communication to the users, investors, and owners, the accounting field has gained totally a new shape from two decades ago. Today with the dynamic change in every aspect of life, the accounting field has to act fast and be able to adapt these new changes and challenges in order to survive.
Accounting aids the government and organisations in decision making for their financial stability. This numerical data helps solve real life problems and contributes to how the economy and businesses perform.
Laudon C. & J. Laudon (2003: 5th edition) Essentials of Management Information Systems. London: Prentice Hall International Limited