Whistling Vivaldi Analysis

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The news is one of the most outstretching form of media available in the world today, people are able to access it through multiple platforms, newspapers, applications, television, and even social media. With access to information literally in the palm of the hands of citizens, it is a highly accessible platform to share information with the everyday Joes and Janes of the world. However, a portion of the news today ties in well with Claude M. Steele’s book “The Whistling Vivaldi” due to the fact it often brings forth questions of whether or not stereotyping, racism and identifying peoples of different races in a negative light comes into play, there are several great examples of where the media, whether it was aware of the repercussions or …show more content…

Mohammad, a 14 year old student of Middle Eastern and Muslim descent who aspires to one day be an engineer was falsely accused of creating a bomb when in actually, he created a functional clock from materials he had found around his home. Once the story was released, many people stated that it was blatant racism and stereotyping the young man as a terrorist because of his heritage. Once several celebrities and even the President of the United States commented on the story, the story went viral. It began to split people on the matter of whether or not Mohammad making a clock and bringing it into school, then being held by police for suspicions of …show more content…

The Black Lives Matters Movement makes sure that victims of hate crimes, whether it’s police brutality, the injustice within the justice system where people of color tend to serve twice as long in prisons or viral issues such as the Confederate flag being a symbol of racism and Zimmerman sharing a picture of his victim, there are people fighting incredibly hard to make changes in the world today.
So overall, does the media focus on race issues? It’s safe to say, that it’s very possible that when the media approaches certain situations, it’s to invoke a reaction amongst its viewers. I’ve personally seen that when the subject of racism or discrimination is shared within the news, it almost always has a negative reaction from the public, whether it’s stating that something isn’t racist to some supporting that the article is portraying an event of

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