Black Lives Matter Essay

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There are many problems in today’s world, one of which is the existence of racism. Obviously it has improved dramatically over time, however racism is still out there in our every day lives. The movement Black Lives Matter has spread nationwide attracting the attention of many different parties. Black Lives Matter has had a large impact on the whole country with many people taking different stances on it. First off Black Lives Matter is a powerful organization that has gained national attention. The movement was started in 2012, after the death of seventeen year Trayvon Martin. A very controversial trial came about, against a police officer named George Zimmerman who had shot the young black man. The main goal of black lives matter is to prevent …show more content…

In multiple different occurrences the protests have angered others more than just gain awareness. Sadly a large number of people are more upset with the stop of traffic and other inconveniences caused by the protests, rather than the deaths of unarmed black men and women. The protest are doing their job to gain attention, but in the eyes of some they are doing it in the wrong way. One big rally cry the movement has had is “hands up, don’t shoot” which came after the shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson Missouri. It was said that before he was killed he stated “my hands are up, don’t shoot me” which we find out afterward is not true. Anyways hands up don’t shoot, spread like wildfire and grabbed everyone’s attention. It was placed on the big stage, including sporting events, and areas of high traffic. Many common people support Black Lives Matter, but there may be some flaws in it as well. Clearly the main idea of the movement is good, and black lives really do matter. However would it not be safe to say that all lives matter rather than just black ones? It is true there have been many cases against African Americans and they may be targeted more often than other races. From another point of view, there would be riots in the …show more content…

As stated before they have a stance on many issues rather than just the racial injustices. This gets tricky for different political parties and the supporters. Black Lives Matter have shown that there is also importance in female and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) leadership. It seems to be more the conservative side being more against the movement, and the liberal side in support. Black Lives will have a major impact on the upcoming election in 2016. Most of the group is in support of the democratic candidates as they take the same stance on many of the same issues. Bernie Sanders has focused more on economic justice, and people in the movement are calling him a white supremacist liberal. The leading republican candidate Donald Trump, is more so on the opposite side. Trump has taken control over what some call the “silent majority” in this election. It has been said that today everyone worries about so many different races and there rights, and there is no one looking out for the white male anymore. More than half of white Americans feel that they are discriminated against as well. It is not only African Americans who are discriminated against in today’s world. No matter what there will always be some sort of discrimination and stereotypes, it is simply impossible to eliminate that from today’s society. Over three fourths of blacks stated they feel the United States justice

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