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Brief history of racism in america
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Brief history of racism in america
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There are many problems in today’s world, one of which is the existence of racism. Obviously it has improved dramatically over time, however racism is still out there in our every day lives. The movement Black Lives Matter has spread nationwide attracting the attention of many different parties. Black Lives Matter has had a large impact on the whole country with many people taking different stances on it. First off Black Lives Matter is a powerful organization that has gained national attention. The movement was started in 2012, after the death of seventeen year Trayvon Martin. A very controversial trial came about, against a police officer named George Zimmerman who had shot the young black man. The main goal of black lives matter is to prevent …show more content…
In multiple different occurrences the protests have angered others more than just gain awareness. Sadly a large number of people are more upset with the stop of traffic and other inconveniences caused by the protests, rather than the deaths of unarmed black men and women. The protest are doing their job to gain attention, but in the eyes of some they are doing it in the wrong way. One big rally cry the movement has had is “hands up, don’t shoot” which came after the shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson Missouri. It was said that before he was killed he stated “my hands are up, don’t shoot me” which we find out afterward is not true. Anyways hands up don’t shoot, spread like wildfire and grabbed everyone’s attention. It was placed on the big stage, including sporting events, and areas of high traffic. Many common people support Black Lives Matter, but there may be some flaws in it as well. Clearly the main idea of the movement is good, and black lives really do matter. However would it not be safe to say that all lives matter rather than just black ones? It is true there have been many cases against African Americans and they may be targeted more often than other races. From another point of view, there would be riots in the …show more content…
As stated before they have a stance on many issues rather than just the racial injustices. This gets tricky for different political parties and the supporters. Black Lives Matter have shown that there is also importance in female and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) leadership. It seems to be more the conservative side being more against the movement, and the liberal side in support. Black Lives will have a major impact on the upcoming election in 2016. Most of the group is in support of the democratic candidates as they take the same stance on many of the same issues. Bernie Sanders has focused more on economic justice, and people in the movement are calling him a white supremacist liberal. The leading republican candidate Donald Trump, is more so on the opposite side. Trump has taken control over what some call the “silent majority” in this election. It has been said that today everyone worries about so many different races and there rights, and there is no one looking out for the white male anymore. More than half of white Americans feel that they are discriminated against as well. It is not only African Americans who are discriminated against in today’s world. No matter what there will always be some sort of discrimination and stereotypes, it is simply impossible to eliminate that from today’s society. Over three fourths of blacks stated they feel the United States justice
According to Zimmerman, him and Martin had an altercation, where it led to Zimmerman shooting Martin in the chest, killing him. He claims it was self-defense. Photos and reports were leaked, which caused more and more people protesting to acquire Zimmerman getting charged for his actions. The end result led to a not guilty verdict in July, 2013. Due to this event, the “Black Lives Matter” movement started. Black Lives Matter movement, can be very complicated to define due to the misportrayal by the media and society. The Black Live Matter Movement, also known as the BLM, is defined as an international activist movement, originating in the African American community, the campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people
The societal issue: It has been a global issue that people of color are seen as aliens and one cannot help but wonder who exactly will answer the question of who has the right to what. There have been various protests like this all over the world. Black lives matter is a peaceful movement of people who are not saying that only their lives matters, but also reminding a nation that it is still burdened by the memory of slavery, Jim Crow and the continuous reality of ever growing discrimination. Black men and women should be treated with equal dignity as an American life, law enforcement inclusive. This movement have seen a lot of horrors as there is white supremacy in America, this has every black person shrinking at the thought of meeting another person with white skin. Most cases of
The Black Lives Matter Movement was started as a hash tag after the death of Travon Marten. Its founders Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza helped it grow into a movement. Unlike the Black Panther Party of the 1960s this group is not calling for the black community to pick up arms. However, like the Black Panther Party of the 1960’s the media has shown members of this group standing toe to toe with
Today there are many controversial subjects discussed throughout the media. One of the most discussed is race and the Black Lives Matter movement. Recently, I came across an article titled “The Truth of ‘Black Lives Matter’”, written by The Editorial Board. The article was published on September 3, 2015, to the New York Times. In the article, The Editorial Board writes about what they believe African Americans are facing as challenges in society today, including the all-too-common police killings of unarmed African-Americans across the country. The Editorial Board is right that some African Americans have been treated unfairly, but all ethnicities have been. Life is a precious thing that comprises all ethnicities. This brings us to ask; why
We have to state "Black Lives Matter," since we 're not living it. Nobody is addressing whether white lives matter or whether police lives matter. Be that as it may, the topic of whether Black lives truly matter is an open question in this nation. Our organizations demonstration like Black lives don 't make a difference. The police demonstration like Black lives don 't make a difference when they shoot unarmed Black individuals with their arms in the air and when Blacks are shot at more than two times the rate of whites, even when whites are outfitted. The
American is known for its rich culture and diversity. Black lives matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism toward black people as defined by google. It was created in 2012 as a call to action for black people after seventeen year old Trayvon Martin was placed on trial for his own murder and the killer, George Zimmerman, was not held accountable for the crime that he had committed. It was a response for the anti-Black racism that still remains in our society and within the movement itself. It is a movement that goes beyond the killing of black people by police and vigilantes. It calls for the Black community to love each other, live
Their community is the only one that is threatened, clearly because of their whole idea of white supremacy. Many of the people who participate in “Black Lives Matter” protests and rallies are the people who are targeted because of their race. In the article “3 Women and a Hashtag: Birth of a Movement”, Judith Brown Dianis talks about the overall goals of the “Black Lives Matter” movement. She explains how there are other groups of people involved in this movement. She says, “By refusing to quietly accept injustice, by insisting on vocalizing the pain African Americans feel in response to being profiled, harassed, and killed, Black Lives Matter ignited an impressive wave of activism, particularly among teenagers, college students, and other young people” (Dianis).
So in turn they 've started organizations like NAACP and Black Lives Matter Organization. NAACP’s main goal is to reach a point where they ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without having to deal with discrimination solely based on their race. (‘NAACP”) Along side them is the Black Lives Matter Organization which was created after the murder of Trayvon Martin. This is a call to action and a response to the virulent anti-black racism that permeates society. (“Black Lives Matter”) Both of these groups just want to have the same equality as the white folk and stop police brutality for themselves and the rest of the
This movement is about the equality of African Americans and saying that their lives matter just as much as other races who get more rights and freedom. This movement has gone on since the time of Martin Luther King Jr. In society, African Americans are lesser than whites and are given less rights, but in the Black Lives Matter movement, not only African Americans, but also many other races are going against what society says and protesting for rights from which they deserve. This relates to the idea of going against society and making your own decisions which relates to Transcendentalism.
“Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement against police violence that is, as argued by BLM supporters, disproportionately and systematically directed at black people. The movement has highlighted incidents in which police have harassed and killed black men and women. BLM is considered one of the most visible and controversial civil rights movement of the last decades.” (Black Lives Matter. 2016) “Black Lives Matter is an American social activist organization devoted to stopping violence and injustice against African Americans. The group was founded in 2013 following the acquittal of In the sixties African Americans began a Civil Rights Movement that, to some, still continue today; hence, the Black Lives Matter movement. During the sixties, the
The statement “All Lives Matter” was brought into context because people believed that not one group should be the center of attention or signaled out in the United States was it comes to policy brutality. The statement is also used to stay away from the use of racism in these types of situations and focus on America’s people as unified or that not one person is different than the other. The Editorial Board from The New York Times states that “The Republican party and its acolytes in the news media are trying to demonize the protest movement that has sprung up in response to the all-too-common police killings of unarmed African-Americans across the country. The intent of the is to cast the phrase “Black Lives Matter” as an inflammatory or even hateful anti-white expression that has no legitimate place in a civil rights campaign”. Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee described the situation perfectly by saying “If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were he alive today, he would be “appalled” by the movement’s focus on the skin color of the unarmed people who are disproportionately killed in encounters with the police. This argument betrays a disturbing indifference to or at best a profound ignorance of history in general and of the civil rights movement in particular.” As we all know
Black Lives Matter is an international activist movement, originating in the African American community. It campaigns against violence toward black people and has become a uniting call for an innovative chapter in the black freedom fight. The clearance of Trayvon Martin’s killer in 2013 and the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 stimulated this movement. Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of Black lives; but mainly about the lack of consequences when African American lives are taken by Caucasian officers. The question is; do black lives truly matter to those that claim to protect it? The answer is no they do not because the movement’s alleged “peaceful” protests continuously
Overall, many believe that the undeviating war on racism in today’s society is fueled by police brutality and anti-police violence. Specifically, The Black Lives Matter movement which is the source of controversy regarding these topics. To summarize, this campaign is “both a hashtag and a political project that formed after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin.” (Miller). Later in the article Chelsea Fuller, senior communication associate of The Advancement project which is a multi-racial civil rights organization, states “The Black Lives Matter movement is to deal with anti-black racism, to “push for black people’s right to live with dignity and respect” and be included in the American democracy that they helped create” (Miller). In discussions of The Black Lives Matter movement, a controversial
Black Lives Matter Movement vs. All Lives Matter Slogan A most recent topic of debate is over the fundamental ideologies between “All Lives Matter slogan vs. Black Lives Matter movement”, which are the same in principle, however in application of philosophy they are not. The conflict is with respect to its purpose, which under normal circumstance would not be in conflict, however this is where the uniqueness of this particular conflict reveals itself in purpose of ideology which branches off into two separate issues. Although the two ideologies intersect often; it is usually from the opposite sides of the same argument - that in and of itself is truly unique. At the heart of the matter is that Black Lives Matter is a movement and the focus
Whenever you hear about an African American getting killed by the United States police, you never see All Lives Matter supporters protesting. The intentions of the All Lives Matter movement seem to be more spiteful, as opposed to helpful. Every time African Americans yell “Black Lives Matter”, outrage from other racial groups tends to emerge as they yell “All Lives Matter” back. It seems like the All Lives Matter movement is more of a tug a war game with Black Lives Matter, rather than an activist organization designed to bring cognizance to police abuse. If All Lives Matter is based on justice for everyone, supporters of the group would understand that African American people are treated like second class citizens in the judicial system. Therefore, the black community created Black Lives Matter to stop the United States police from murdering them. All Lives Matter was designed to disregard the inequity of African