What We are Looking for in our Caregivers at Shivani's Taj Mahal Learning Daycare for Infants

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Welcome families of our future generation. You have now entered Shivani’s Taj Mahal of learning daycare for infants. Walking through the doors of enlightenment for you infant’s future. Our daycare offers learning at every turn for your growing infant. For instance, our walls will teach your child their primary colors (red, blue and yellow) and shapes in secondary colors (purple, green, and orange). We will also provide the five essential characteristic that every high quality day care should imply in it’s own daycare.
Shivani’s Taj Mahal of learning daycare for infants implements the five essential characteristics which we will first explain adequate attention to each infant. The text states, that this is morally known as a small group of infants (no more than five) needs two reliable, familiar, loving caregivers."(p. 216) We find that it’s very crucial and many daycares do not realize it. The caregiver / child ratio is 1 caregiver to every 2 children with a maximum group size of 8 children; this will provide enough attention for developmental needs for each child. The infant/toddler materials guide explains “ all children have individual strengths, need, and interests and these should be taken into consideration when selecting and arranging materials… When serving young children with special needs, some environmental rearrangement might be necessary to adequately accommodate an individual child’s needs.” For example, a child who is more likely to be triggered by loud sounds might need an environment that includes furniture that absorbs noises. Our daycare includes flexibility to all parents and infants as needed under these different circumstances. Moving onto “ freedom of speech” which starts with language for our infants.

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... child in daycare if they are poor. My opinion as a well-read psychology student that no matter what day care or childcare you put your infant in it does not matter if the same things are implemented in the household. The effect is need in both environments for the child to excel beyond the point of children without this opportunity.

Works Cited

Child Development Council http://www.childdevelopmentcouncil.org/content/view/10-components-of-infant-toddler-care.html Group Family Day Care (Provider Handbook) http://ocfs.ny.gov/main/publications/Pub4624.pdf Infant Program http://www.elmhurstacademy.com/pdfs/programs.pdf Infant/Toddler Materials Guide http://scpitc.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/SC-Infant-Toddler-Materials-Guide.pdf Parents and The High Cost of Child Care 2013 Report

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