Critical Life Skills

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What skills should be developed to ensure a reasonable level of success in life? There are numerous critical life skills needed to be successful in life; Skills that without can leave you hopeless. There are many reasons why these skills are absolutely critical for success in life. I have chosen 5 critical skills to talk about in this section; those are: Communication skills, organization skills, Time management Skills, Confidence, Leadership Skills and learning skills. Communication Skills The first critical life skill to further your success in life is Communication. Communication is used constantly throughout your day, from driving to work to ordering Tim Horton’s. Communication is one of the most important skills in life. In the workplace communication is the most important skill. Everybody who works effectively with their co-workers need to good at communicating. The benefits of good communication can be increased efficiency from employees/co-workers. This comes from the employee’s better working together to achieve a common goal. …show more content…

Time management is very closely tied to organization skills. Being well organized gives you more time to manage and managing your time well will give you more time to organize. Time management in the workplace can be very an effective tool. First of all having a well-managed schedule means you will have more time to manage which will reduce stress in your life. Having well managed time will save you more time to do the activity’s you enjoy. This will ensure we are healthy so we can perform tasks to the best of our ability. . With better time management you will achieve better productivity and efficiency, this aids in your professional reputation opening up opportunity’s otherwise

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