Role Of Social Support In Early Adulthood

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What Role Does Social Support Play in Coping Mechanisms During Early Adulthood?
I. Topic Background
Social support refers to the informative, instrumental or emotional care offered to an individual by close family members, relatives or friends to boost coping mechanisms during early adulthood such as self-esteem and measures of stress management. Social support is imperative in determining the well-being of all people for it shapes the physical health and the mental health of each (Santrock 8). Various studies demonstrate that social support plays a crucial role in coping mechanisms during early childhood. Social support is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a healthy psychological status. On the other hand, a good social support has many …show more content…

The process of human development is influenced by both social and environmental factors. The role played by parents and the interpersonal relations during infantry, and early childhood determines the nature of the individual during the early adulthood stage. Individuals during the early adulthood stage are on the verge of being independent and financially stable. They tend to disentangle from the parental care and try to fend for themselves without the support of others. Most of the individuals happen to build stable romantic relationships that could lead to later …show more content…

An individual becomes comfortable in the society when the essential social support is offered to him or her. Most of the mental illnesses during early adulthood in the contemporary society are closely related to the inadequate social support. A good social support is useful in coping mechanisms for it helps prevent mental disorders and reduce the mortality rate. Happy members of the society relate well with other people while those with bad relations are often avoided and end up spending miserable, lonely lives. An individual who does not fit in society is presumed to be an outcast who is unwelcome to live with others. Finally, the vital role played by social support in coping mechanisms for the early adulthood stage should be upheld in molding happy and peaceful members of the

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