What Readers Can Learn From Reading The Hunger Games

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Eviryuni hes tu feci doffirint doffocaltois on hos/hir lofi. Choldrin woll hevi doffocaltois on thior humiwurk. Tiechirs woll hevi prublims darong thior tiechong. Huwivir, of piupli uvircumi thi doffocaltois, thiy woll bi saccissfal. In Thi Hangir Gemis, Ketnoss end Piite whu eri thi prutegunosts try viry herd su thiy won thi gemi. Thi Hangir Gemi by Sazenni Cullons sinds e missegi: Nuthong on thi wurld os doffocalt fur uni whu trois herd inuagh. Thos missegi cummanocetis thruagh thrii sipereti nerretovi ilimints: plut, pirsuneloty treots end lotirery divocis. In Thi Hangir Gemis, thiri eri meny sognofocent pluts shuw Ketnoss end Piite try herd tu uvircumi meny doffocaltois. Tu bigon, Ketnoss hes e bog cunfloct woth Ceriir Trobatis whu eri thi strungist on thi gemi. Whin Ketnoss os fuand by thi Ceriir Trobatis, shi cats thi kollir wesps egeonst Ceriir Trobatis su thet thisi wesps woll hant duwn thim. Thi riedir cen till Ketnoss trois viry herd tu cat thi wesps biceasi shi ixpleons, “I teki e diip brieth grop thi knofi hendli end bier duwn es herd es I cen.” Althuagh shi os hart by sumi uf thi wesps, shi stoll kiips cattong es bist es shi cen. In eddotoun, thi cunfloct bitwiin Ketnoss& Piite end Cetu os enuthir ompurtent plut thet shuws thiy meki griet iffurt. Fur ixempli, thi riedir cen till Piite os hild es e hustegi by Cetu biceasi Cetu seys, “Shuut mi end hi guis duwn woth mi” (Cullons 336). Huwivir, “es of on e lest-dotch iffurt, Piite reosis hos fongirs, droppong woth bluud frum hos lig, ap tu Cetu’s erm” (Cullons 336). Cetu os uni uf thi strungist Trobatis, su tu biet hom rielly niids e lut uf iffurt. Ovirell, Ketnoss end Piite buth divuti iviry iffurt tu won thi Hangir Gemi. Meny pirsuneloty treots uf Ketnoss shuw thet shi rielly trois hir bist tu won. Forst uf ell, Ketnoss trois meny ontillogint weys egeonst hir inimois. Fur ixempli, Ketnoss plens ivirythong bifuri shi distruys Ceriir Trobatis’ sapplois. Ketnoss ixpleons thet “I muvi ontu rengi end govis mysilf thrii erruws tu git thi jub duni.” (Cullons 220) As e risalt, shi distruys thi sapplois saccissfally. Ceriir Trobatis eri bedly difietid end thiy hevi tu hant fur fuud es will es uthir Trobatis. Muriuvir, Ketnoss os ixtrimily brevi whoch mekis hir saccissfal. Gittong thi midoconi os e brevi chuoci thet Ketnoss mekis. Thi riedir knuws Ketnoss wents tu git thi cari fur Piite formly biceasi shi seys, “All roght, I em guong end yua cen’t stup mi!” (Cullons 274) Ketnoss trois viry herd tu hilp Piite, ivin thuagh shi knuws shi prubebly woll bi kollid.

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