The Pros And Cons Of Versailles

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Versailles was a symbol of absolute monarchism. It was cut off, elaborate and expensive. An example of how cut off Louis XVI was from the rest of France is that he made a single excursion into provincial France and that was a trip to Cherbourg. Politicians these days cannot be seen to be cut off from the outside world and elitist. It is resented by the people. It may have been less resented in the 18th Century but there will always have been a few grumbles coming from certain factions relating to this. As already stated Versailles was expensive to run. People do not mind an expensive home for their King, President or Prime Minister if all is going well in their own country economically. However, as already shown France was not and people were living in desperation outside of Versailles. The vast inequalities between Versailles and provincial France were huge and in times of economic trouble. People become questionable about their leaders living in splendour when they are in …show more content…

However, they could always convey these ideas to the public and Rokespierre did this with ease. He would stand up and deliver blistering speeches on how the people, his audience deserved to be equals with others in society. Whilst, the general Bourgeois in France would also have exposed themselves to the enlightenment perhaps without the help of the likes such as Robespierre. The American Civil War was also an event that not only philosophers and therefore the educated could know about. It was an event that everyone in France could understand. An event in which a different country rose up and fought against the oppressors that were its rulers. This is another part of the enlightenment that strikes a stunning resemblance to what actually

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