The Importance Of Modern College Education

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I will be informing my audience on the validity and quality of the modern college education. The modern education, besides being vastly expensive, has experienced a decline in quality. This essay should educate and inform students in college and parents of students on the issues surrounding a modern college. I will be comparing Christian based institutions to public universities to inform students of the options available to them for education. The modern college model has departed from the concept of higher education as played out in classical universities, resulting in this decline of education standards, student behavior and devotion. The cost and validity of many college degrees offered today also add to the decline of the overall university …show more content…

Scruton describes the classic idea of a university, that has since been abandoned by most universities today, saying, “The university is a society in which the student absorbs the graces and accomplishments of a higher form of life. In the university [,] the pursuit of truth and the active discussion of its meaning are integrated into a wider culture” The Idea of a University Scruton 2010 The benefits of a modern college education no longer outweigh the drawbacks of cost and quality. A college education should not only be a download of information into the students brain, it should be a community of truly higher thinking and preparation to learn throughout life. The university today has stooped to fact only teaching at ridiculous prices accompanied by a sinful …show more content…

“Many campuses, for instance, are dominated by the hook-up culture of casual sex.” -Freitas, Donna Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008 Living this lifestyle in no way prepares the students mind for higher education or enables them to focus the next day in class. The students in the modern university are morally corrupt and hardened to sin. The culture of carefree sex is promoted by the university, which often gives out protection and advice for safe sex. “Scruton describes this lifestyle from a parents point of view. “Finding that his daughter’s ignorance of the classics is as great on leaving university as it was on entering it, that she has graduated from her teenage pop idols only to immerse herself in more “advanced” forms of rock and heavy metal, and that her attitude to career, marriage, childbearing, and all the other things that he had hoped for her is entirely negative, such a father is sure to regret the use of his money.”-Scruton The Idea of a University 2011 He describes the useless degrees and corrupt lifestyle received through the university, all with a high price. The modern university is corrupt and is ripe for

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