Non Verbal Communication Essay

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There are many types of communication. The major types are verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication is using words and sounds to express yourself. Nonverbal communication is using gestures,facial expressions, eye contact and posture. Every day we interact with people in different settings, whether it is at work, at home, at the grocery store, or even in the bathroom. Everyone has a different way of communicating with strangers, or even people you see every day. If your way of communicating with others is different from someone else’s, that is not necessarily bad, it is just unique to you. The people you communicate with most are the ones you see daily or weekly. The people you usually see daily would be co workers, family, …show more content…

When I was 15 I got a job at Arthurs Garden Deli using my workers permit, which means you can only work a certain amount of hours per week, and you cannot work past eight o’clock p.m. When you apply for your first job, you usually are interviewed at least once by the hiring manager, or someone that is in charge of a certain department. Bad nonverbal communication could decrease your chances of getting your desired job. The person interviewing you expects you to shake their hand before you make yourself comfortable. If the other person being interviewed shakes their hand and you do not, the other person will most likely get the job over you. Shaking their hand should be the first thing you should do when you greet this person. While the interview is taking place you should have good posture, don’t slouch down in the chair. Keep eye contact with the people in the room. Do not look down a lot, or stare at other things in the room. The important thing is to make sure the person or people interviewing you, know that you are interested. Make facial expressions, use hand gestures, and have a strong tone of voice. Once you get the job, communication does not stop there. You still have to communicate with your coworkers, your managers, and your bosses. What one would think is a slight miscommunication, could make you lose your job. If you work in the health field, a miscommunication …show more content…

Not communicating can definitely ruin a relationship. Most arguments between couples start because of lack of communication. This can mean something as simple as telling your boyfriend or girlfriend that you have plans for the night. Talking to your partner about most topics is crucial in a relationship. When you first start dating someone and one of you lacks communication, the other person might think you are childish or immature. On a first date it is important that you seem interested in the other person. They will sense that you are not interested if you are on your phone, not making eye contact with them, or keeping your words at a minimum. Sometimes people do those things because they want the other person to know that they are not interested. On the contrary, sometimes we do those things and not even realize it. That is what we call bad communication skills. You can have different types of bad communication skills, but we don’t know that we are bad at communicating unless someone points it out to

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