Analysis Of True North

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True North is leaders’ essence of who they are, their deepest beliefs, values, and the principles they lead by. It is about a leader being genuinely human at a profound level. It is an internal compass that drives a leader through life. True North is leader’s adjusting point that helps him/her stay on track. It is unique for each individual based on individual’s life stories and crucibles. True North is based on what is most important for a leader, for instance, leader’s most treasured values, passions and motivations, and other sources of satisfaction in life.
True North is about integrity and authenticity. It pulls a leader toward the purpose of his/her leadership. When a leader follows his/her internal compass, then the leadership will …show more content…

Leaders life stories and crucibles shape their True North.True North provided sound information about authentic leaders based on numerous real life stories. Several case studies and narratives made the content simple to comprehend the concept of True North. Gaining information from several leaders stories’ gave a good insight on leader’s True North. It appeared that the case studies originated from author’s close network of friends and acquaintances. The leaders in the book were drawn from corporations to non-for-profits, to the areas of politics and academia. The leaders’ narratives came from different parts of the globe that gave a diverse perspective on leadership. The author appeared to have a personal association with most of the leaders in the text. There were many quotes to back up life stories, crucibles, and self-awareness in the narratives in the emergence of True North. That helped to make a deeper connection with the …show more content…

The author called out for servant leadership for long-term success for all stakeholders. Similar to other professions leader needs to hone their abilities to be effective in their leadership role. To find a purpose in what you achieve besides money, power, and fame resonates with the True North. A leader should act in the best interests of the organization that would lead to a greater good. To have a balance between IQ and EQ will lead to leadership with the True North. Passion, compassion, empathy, and courage matters the heart decisions are important components of the True North. To develop as a worthy human being, a leader must become self aware, integrated human being, and comfortable being his/herself. In addition a leader with the True North moves from I to we, is humble, serve customers, empower people, and align personal values with organization’s mission. A leader with True North demonstrates a high degree of integrity and walks his/her talk. A leader with a True North is an integrated leader with fine balance between personal, family, work, and community life. On a similar note, a leader with True North aligns and nourishes their mind, body, and soul.
To be an authentic leader one must discover their True North and the purpose of leadership. Leadership decides the success or failure of organizations. The chief cause of organizational failure for the last decade has been failed leadership. A leader’s

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