Totalitarianism Essay

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During the time between World War I and World War II countries pursued security through totalitarianism. Totalitarianism began with conservative authoritarian governments. These governments were antidemocratic, they prevented any type of major change, they relied on larger entities like police and armies to control the people, and all liberal and democratic mindsets were diminished. But, conservative authoritarian governments could not control every aspect of peoples’ lives due t the lack of communication and transportation. These types of government had the ultimate goal t attain order, peace, and security which would be a forefront goal of totalitarianism during the 20th century. Totalitarianism is a continuance of conservative authoritarian …show more content…

Fascism was the type of totalitarian government that Adolph Hitler accepted in Germany. Fascism is a post democratic political system meaning that the country had to experience democracy to learn the importance of popular support. People had to agree to irrational ideas and Hitler accomplished much of this through emotional appeal. Another huge aspect of fascism was nationalism due to the emotional motivation behind passion for one’s country. Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were believers of fascism. Mussolini said that fascism was not just a political philosophy, but it was also a conception of life. G. W. F. Hegel was a large influence to Mussolini’s beliefs because of his certainty that fascism raised individual to higher levels. Hitler also heavily agreed that fascism would expose the German peoples’ greatness. This particular time in history for the Germans was a perfect time for fascism to emerge. Everyone wanted to feel like they belonged and the fascism party would do just that. Hitler acted as if he was saving Germany from the tragic situation they were experiencing and the emotion behind nationalism captured the attention of …show more content…

His fascism and nationalism that unified Germany was a true representation of totalitarianism. Even though Hitler is known for many tragic historical events, he his political regime through fascism significantly influenced the 20th century.
Lebensraum was one of two driving concepts written in Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler. Lebensraum meant “living space” which expressed the need for Germany’s acquisition of territory. Lebensraum is important because it was a large motivation in Germany’s settlements in other European countries and the resulting removal of Jewish people and other disliked groups from those areas.
John Maynard Keynes was significant to the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression. Roosevelt was drastically influenced by Keynes’ Keynesian Theory. This theory suggested that it is the government’s responsibility to oversee the economy. It also said that if the economy were to experience any issues that the government was responsible for rejuvenating the economy. Roosevelt believed that not only was it the government’s responsible to get economy on track, but it is also liable to run the economy. The Keynesian Theory and Roosevelt’s New Deal were significant because they did not continue the once accepted laissez faire

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