Compare And Contrast Mussolini And Hitler

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After World War I, there were two men that rose up to control their government in their countries. One was Adolf Hitler who was put in charge of the German government, and the other was Benito Mussolini who was put in charge of the Italian government. Adolf Hitler was born in 1889, and according to the lecture was known as a failure for not finishing high school, or becoming an accomplished artist. While Mussolini was born in 1883, and was unknown until he came home a wounded soldier from the war. Mussolini would rise up and form the Fascist government focusing on being loyal to the state, and Hitler will rise up and control the Socialist German Workers Party, the Nazis. Both men are known for the change in history, and their change on the Mussolini came into power in 1922 and sought to make Fascism the only party in Italy, because he believed it was superior to all other parties. Both Mussolini and Hitler wanted to create a better economy for their countries, and had big plans to change the way their countries viewed things. Mussolini abolished democracy, and would not listen and shunned any ideas or citizens who opposed his political views. Although the men were quite similar in the ways they set goals for their countries, Hitler was extreme in his plans for future Germany. According to the lecture, Hitler’s plans were to make it known the Germans were the superior race, Jews and Gypsies were subhuman, Hitler promised to take back the land taken from the after the war, and Lebensraum. Both men had their countries became a part of the Axis powers, and along with Japan became Fascist nations. Mussolini’s rise to power came through his influence on the fascists people. According to the lecture it was fascists that marched to Rome in October 1922, and the people demanded that the king put Mussolini in charge of the government. It was through fear that Mussolini gained his power. Hitler on the other hand was Italy and Germany entered World War II and saw the loss of many innocent lives, and saw the downfalls of the Axis powers. Hitler was a man that wanted one superior race, and with that thought in mind, he sent many people to their deaths for not being German. A Bible verse that reminds me of World War II is Matthew 26:52, “Then Jesus said to him, ‘Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (ESV). The Bible talks of their being a time for a war, but this Bible verse shows us that there are times when people should put down their swords and stop the fighting. Hitler and Mussolini sought to strengthen their government, economy, and people, but in the end WWII claimed the lives of many of their

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