Plant tissue culture Essays

  • Micropropagation Method For Tomato Plant

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    of plant from the family of Solanaceae. There are many tomato species around the world. The tomato is not easy to plant in Malaysia and it is also very important as a food for the citizen. This tomato plant is easy to cultivate in area which is in moderate temperature and firstly came from the place which is in dry west coast of tropical South America (Cooper, 1972). According to Picken, Stewart, and Klapwijk (1986), there are several techniques for growing tomato plant which is first plant the

  • micropropagation of banana

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    carry viruses and fungal pathogen (Jong, 2012). Therefore, tissue culture is the alternative to the conventional method for banana production. Tissue culture method benefits the production of bananas by producing plants that are free of diseases, faster growth rates, greater yield and safe for human consumption (Increasing banana yields by using tissue culture method, n.d.). According to Tissue Culture (n.d.), the main purpose of tissue culture is to produce healthy plantlets that are free of virus diseases

  • Investigation of Osmosis in Plant Tissue

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    Investigation of Osmosis in Plant Tissue Aim To investigate factors which affect the rate of osmosis. The main factors which affect osmosis are: Pressure Temperature Surface area Solute Concentration Plant Tissue We will be investigating solute concentration as this is the easiest factor to measure and will give us the most accurate results. We will mainly investigate the different rate of osmosis when potato cells are placed in solution with different solute concentrations

  • An Experiment to Investigate Osmosis in Plant Tissue

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    An Experiment to Investigate Osmosis in Plant Tissue Aim: To conduct an investigation to compare the osmotic behavior of two types of plant tissue in varying concentrations of sucrose solution. To find the point at which there is no change in mass or length of a specific plant tissue in a certain sucrose solution, the point of equilibrium, where sucrose and water contents are both equal in the solution and the tissue. Introduction: When a plant cell is placed in a sucrose solution there

  • Analysis Of The Floriculture Industry In Sri Lanka

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    The Orchidaceaeis a diverse and widespread family of flowering plants with blooms. And Dendrobium is a huge genus of orchids which have most marketing value among other orchids in the world. Orchids with their bewildering range of flowers and beautiful color combinations provide a source of profound aesthetic pleasure to both owners and visitors. The striking resemblances of their flowers to various forms of animal life behold the attention of everyone who looks at them. Orchids are excellent item

  • Essay On African Violets

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    found the plants was named, Saint Paul. Once Saint Paul found them, he gave some to his father who lived in Germany. Once people began to see these plants, it quickly became a trend. The African Violet plants stayed in the Europe area for about two years, before eventually making its way over to the United States. There are many different colors of African Violets that can be derived from the original cultivar. The African Violet has a neat construction of the leaves on the outside of the plant and the

  • Essay On Tissue Culture

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    Tissue culture has been in practice since the early 1900’s. Since its start, there has been many breakthroughs in producing a viable plant from culture. Tissue culture is defined as the growth of plants from plant tissue in an artificial medium and a sterile environment. The uses for this technique include food processing, agriculture, pharmaceutics, and medicines. It has an influence on human welfare like food processing, human health, and environmental protection. There is an increasing demand

  • Exploring the Evolution and Popularity of Herbal Cosmeceuticals

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    are particularly preferred since they are eco friendly and would not provide any side effects to the skin and the body. Plants extracts are used for new cosmetic products development. Phytostem cells products are the preparations, which represent cosmetic associated with active phytoconstituents thus help to reduce damage, irritation and ageing of the skin. 2. PLANT CELL CULTURE

  • Sterilization And Disinfectionation In Stevia

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    Experimental Plant Material: The healthy plant of Stevia rebaudiana for micropropagation has been selected from the garden of Integrated Biotechnological Research Institute, Lucknow. The aseptic conditions were maintained following suitable sterilization methods. Sterilization and Disinfection: Since we have known so far about the ways of sterilization,here is a review about sterilization and techniques involved for plant sterilization.Sterilization is the process where all the living microbes

  • Etymology of Andrographis Paniculata

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    whoch gruws tu thi hioght uf 1 – 3 ft. It os uni uf thi must wodispried plents asid on thi Uneno end Ayarvidoc tredotounel midoconis. It os en irict end brenchid plent woth lenciuleti griin lievis (Remmuhen, 2009) 2.2. DISTRIBUTION OF ANDROGRAPHIS PLANT A. penocalete cunsosts uf 28 spicois uf smell shrabs issintoelly dostrobatid on trupocel Asoe (Alegisebuupetho 2000). Thi plent os dostrobatid namiruasly on Suath iestirn Asoe-Indoe, Sro Lenke (Trovido 2010)., Indunisoe, Pekosten end uthir Asoen cuantrois

  • Letter of Interest

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    gained in depth knowledge in plant science including plant phenotyping (in field and glasshouse), genotyping and relevant techniques in molecular biology and genetics. Before this, I completed a Master of Applied Science (biotechnology) degree from The University of Western Sydney in 2004 which offered me knowledge and hands on experience in microbial fermentation technology. Plant tissue culture/biotechnology Tissue culture and experiments with transgenic plant is a routine exercise in the lab

  • The Benefits of the Sugarcane Crop

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    1. Introduction Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is perennial herb plants belongs to Poaceae family, and has been widely cultivated on tropical and subtropical regions globally. Sugarcane is genetically complex crop that possesses highly variable chromosome number (octaploid; x = 10; 8x = 80). Being highly cross pollinated in nature, this crop requires specific, hot and humid climate for flowering (Gill et al, 2006). It is mainly propagated vegitatively by stem cutting and it gives many tillers

  • Transgenic Rice Plants

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    been one of the most important staple crops for the world and it now currently feeds more than two billion people, mostly living in developing countries. Rice is the major food source of Japan and China and it enjoys a long history of use in both cultures. In 1994, worldwide rice production peaked at 530 million metric tons. Yet, more than 200 million tons of rice are lost each year to biotic stresses such as disease and insect infestation. This extreme loss of crop is estimated to cost at least several

  • Importance Of Biotechnology

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    INTRODUCTION TO PLANT CELL CULTURING TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. .INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY Introduction and Definition o Historical Perspectives o Scope and Importance of Biotechnology o Commercial Potential 2. CELL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT a) Cell division b) Cell cycle c) Animal and plant development 3. PLANT CELL CULTURE AND APPLICATIONS a) Introduction b) Cell- and Tissue-Culture Techniques c) Applications of Cell and Tissue Culture d) Gene-Transfer Methods in Plants e) Transgenic

  • Genetic Modification of Forest Tree Species

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    use of tissue culture, genetic engineering (genetic modification) and the use of genetic markers for marker assisted breeding (Harry and Strauss 2010). Tissue culture is the process of growing plants in a cultured medium under controlled conditions from small plant parts. The plants produced in this manner are then transferred to the greenhouse and then grow. The advantages of tissue culture are: • This technology produces exact copies of the organism that contains the desirable trait. • Plants will

  • History Of Pharmacognosy

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    properties of drugs, drug substances or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources” (Tyler, 1999). As practised today, pharmacognosy includes the extensive study of natural products from plants, bacteria, fungi and marine organisms, botanical dietary supplements as well as herbal remedies (Cardellina, 2002). Pharmacognosy can also be defined as “the scientific and systematized study of physical, chemical, structural and biological features

  • Plant hormones

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    Plant hormones are specialized chemical substances produced by plants. They are the main internal factors controlling growth and development. Hormones are produced in one part of a plant and transported to others, where they are effective in very small amounts. Depending on the target tissue, a given hormone may have different effects. Plant hormones play an integral role in controlling the growth and development of plants. A plant hormone is generally described as an organic compound synthesized

  • Sugarcane Production Essay

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    The cultures were maintained at 25±20C under 16 hr illumination of 4000 lux intensity. The results are presented in Table 1, it can be seen from the data that pH of the medium had significant effect not only on regeneration frequency but also on number of shoots developed in each culture. Maximum 62.5±4.7 percent cultures in CoS 98259 and 67.3±4.9 percent in CoS 767 developed shoots at pH 6.0 while regeneration

  • Aluminum Essay

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    (specifically Al3+) targets the roots of the plants and causes stunted plant growth and abnormal root formation. THis causes stresses in the plant which could lead to cross resistance. This immunity has led to some plants to develop cross resistance to diseases. THis has happened before in the plant, an example is the fact that ozone induces resistance to the tobacco mosaic virus in tobacco plants. This phenomenon is what is being tested for in potato plants. Potato plants will be subjected to infections from

  • Cocoa Plantation Essay

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    1.0 Introduction Plant pathology is a science that studies plant diseases and attempts to improve the chances for survival of plants when they are faced with biotic and abiotic factors that cause disease. Plants will produce well as long as they get sufficient nutrient and moisture, light for photosynthesis and optimum temperature. However, plants also get sick. Sick plants produce poorly and the symptoms of disease will appear. The agents that cause disease in plants are similar to those causing