Literature Review Essays

  • Literature Review

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    Evaluation of a Mental Health Treatment Court with Assertive Community Treatment 1.     This article studied the effect of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) versus Treatment as Usual (TAU) on the life satisfaction ratings, psychological distress, level of functioning, substance use issues, and criminal activity of mentally ill residents of the Santa Barbara County Jail. The study administered four instruments to measure these variables. They used the Behavioral and Symptom Identification scale

  • Literature Review #2

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    is another brilliant piece of literature by Bert Cardullo. The article itself talks a little more about the differentiation between reviewers and critics, but focuses deeply on one particular critic: Richard Gilman. This time, the main theme for this article is Theatrical Critics. “Richard Gilman, American Theater Critic: An Appreciation” was published in 2011 and is one of the most current researches done on this topic. As previously discussed in an earlier review, the author, Bert Cardullo, does

  • LITERATURE REVIEW: Theories on Student Attrition

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    LITERATURE REVIEW: Theories on Student Attrition Since the early 70s theorists have pondered the causes of college dropout. Generally referred to as “student attrition,” this problem has spurred numerous causal theories and theoretical models. Vincent Tinto led the research with his revolutionary 1973 study, which he later revised (1987) amid criticism from other luminaries in the field, most notably Bean, Astin, Terenzini, and Pascarella. It is on the work of these scholars (including also

  • Literature Review of Social Skills Intervention

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    The first of the ten articles to be discussed examined a training program that consisted of an individualized, classroom-based social skills intervention. In the study, there were 45 children with learning disabilities 9-12 years old. These children were in self-contained special education classrooms. Thirteen children received intervention for 6 weeks and 7 children received intervention for 12 weeks. The remaining 25 children were in the control group, which received no intervention. The intervention

  • This Literature review will be focusing on the key issues regarding

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    This Literature review will be focusing on the key issues regarding the living expectations of UK transport 171CBS Business Organisation Task: Marketing! What is the role of Marketing? Assignment two Discuss the role of marketing and the marketing department using an organisation of your choice to illustrate the points you make Mariom Jafar Business and Accounting 2nd March 2005 DUE DATE: 28th February 2005 R.Rogers Discuss the role of marketing and the marketing department

  • Review of Literature on Abortion in the Family

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    Review of Literature on Abortion in the Family Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been continuously argued over for the past few years and probably for many more years to come. Women who are making the decision are effected emotionally, mentally, and physically since their bodies are going through many changes which it is not accustomed to. The main controversy is, who's right is it to abort? Many will argue and say it is the woman's right to chose what she does with her own body

  • Evidence Based Practice Literature Review

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    exist. When that is not the case, however, the clinician needs to seek out scientific evidence to help inform the treatment decision. Two major types of evidence may be useful: systematic reviews and individual studies” ("Steps in the Process of Evidence-Based Practice: Finding the Evidence", 2017) “Systematic reviews… are formal assessments of the body of scientific evidence related to a clinical question, and describe the extent to which various diagnostic or treatment approaches are supported by the

  • Literature Review: The Definition Of Pun Translation

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    Literature Review The Definition of Pun Pun translation poses as one of the most challenging problem for a literary translator, due to the need of transferring the double meaning of the sentence or word. The double meaning could be a play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar senses or sound of different words. Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms defines pun as "an expression that achieves emphasis or humor by contriving an ambiguity, two distinct

  • The Step-by-Step Approach: Guidelines to writing a Literature Review

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    Approach: Guidelines to writing a Literature Review Globally, students and researchers alike are presented with the task of developing a literature review. This process may seem daunting to the inexperienced writer, however, there is no need for trial and error as there are known procedures and guidelines created to simplify such an assignment. A basic literature review may be defined as “A written document that develops a case to establish a thesis. This review synthesizes current knowledge pertaining

  • Literature Review: Review Of Literature On Suicide

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    Review of Literature: Suicide Suicide is a very real problem in our society today. According to the CDC, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in Americans. (CDC) There is an increasing number of people committing suicide and people attempting suicide each year. Unfortunately, there is a stigma around suicide that makes people afraid to ask for the help that they need. This review of literature discusses suicide by addressing the following questions to three main ideas: 1. What age groups

  • Literature Review

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    Brief Review of the Literature A review of the literature reveals a common theme among experts in this field of study. The recurring themes present is the current literature include the financial crisis of 2008 and foreclosure impacts. Foreclosure impacts include the effects of crime, housing sales, property valuation, property abandonment, neighborhood destabilization, and shifts in tax revenue. The sources of the literature reviewed were scholarly journals, peer-reviewed journals and governmental

  • Review of Literature

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    Independent Study Unit – Phase 2 Review of Literature Introduction 21 of the first 23 astronauts into space were first-born; there is a reason to this (Hartshorne, 2010). They say that the order in which a person is born, and the gap years between siblings determines the personality of a person (Hartshorne, 2010). For those born first, they are seen as dominant and having the pressure put on them, while the youngest child is the most beloved (Hartshorne, 2010). The middle child at times feels neglected

  • Literature Review

    2018 Words  | 5 Pages

    women’s struggle for political recognition. Therefore, the authors have termed the era of the women’s struggle up to the time when women were afforded political rights. The following is a literature review of various articles participating in the women’s suffrage and their interconnection to the subject matter. The review concentration is on the impact of the women’s movement on the national and global platform with the competition playing out for women’s recognition in politics. It also addresses the

  • Literature Review

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    Literature Review The purpose of the study The Purpose of the study was to trace and analyze the impact of sales personnel in the used car industry. The study focuses on the current ways in which used car dealers are marketing their products in the Kingston Metropolitan area. The assessment will be done on the following areas: 1. To what extent do salesperson competence impact on profitability 2. How profitable are salespersons strategies to the company 3. How do salespersons impact

  • Acknowledging Fatigue of tired women

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    includes nurses. The problem can be researched using objective measures to find correlations of fatigue and related symptoms. The literature review precedes the explanation of the study. In this section, there is examination of treatment studies that have proven therapeutic for fatigue symptoms, including thyroid hormones and antidepressants. The review of the literature demonstrates that the best approach of care has not been found and there is a need to clearly define the patterns of fatigue. Classic

  • Effects of Television Violence on Children

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    This literature review is based on the effects of television violence on children. More specifically, it deals with the relationship found between television violence and aggression found in young children. I chose this topic because I found it interesting to learn that studies have indeed found a connection between television viewing and the behavior of people, especially children. The first study reviewed is entitled "Television Violence and Children's Aggression: Testing the Priming. Social script

  • Literature Review

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the academic journal, “The Crisis of the American law School”, the authors’ theme is to examine the factors that have led to the high cost of law school and the impact it has on those who decide to go to law school. This academic journal is not the most current research that has been conducted on this topic. However, the information that is in this journal is very resourceful in regards to my topic, the cost of obtaining a legal education. This academic journal was published in 2012. The author

  • Roald Dahl: Realism and Fantasy

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    Realism and Fantasy of Roald Dahl’s, Fantastic Mr. Fox “The delightful tale of a fox who lives by poaching food from his three neighbours, Messrs. Boggis, Bunce, and Bean, three farmers – each one meaner than the other” (Telgan, Children’s Literature Review, Vol. 41, pg. 27). Mr. Fox and his family endure the hardships of attempted murder, being hunted, and starvation as the farmers resort to violence to rid themselves of Mr. Fox and preserve their livestock. Out of an undying will to survive, and

  • Male Victim Rape

    1780 Words  | 4 Pages

    outcomes. Moreover, it has some affinity with the colloquial notion of "reverse psychology," which is based on the idea that telling people that they may not do something makes them want to do it more (Baumeister,, p6). Introduction and Literature Review I have chosen four journal articles from the research database related to Males Rape Victim I invented ten questions for a case study and have already interviewed a twenty-two year old male. My hypothesis is how a male rape victim would deal

  • Nature versus Nurture

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    paper covers the debate of nature versus nurture. Within the paper there is an introduction in which the hypothesis is given and a literature review that provides the reader with previous studies done with nature versus nurture. The methods, results, discussion and recommendations from the research study are also provided within the paper. Introduction and literature review The research question is: When comparing Nature verses Nurture in children which one is stronger than the other? The hypothesis