Goals are important for every individual to have in their life. Goals help people get to places in their life and typically, positively impact their life. As an early childhood education major, it is beneficial for me to have professional goals. These goals will impact my own life and the lives of my future students and their families. Every early childhood professional should have their own goals. They can have their own personal goals, but they should also have goals that pertain to their profession
Education, which refers to the transfer of indispensable skills and knowledge, is a vital aspect of the social-economic planning of a country as it generates a competitive workforce which contributes significantly to economic growth. Nevertheless, the jury is still out on whether the chief goal of education is to provide a ticket to a better life, hence improving the living standards of individuals. At first glance, it is tempting to buy into the claim that the ultimate purpose of education is to
person. I love thinking systematically and checking off things on a “to-do” list. Thinking systematically especially also affects my goals. When I think about goals for myself, I can imagine all of my many goals separated into four categories, education and occupation, athletic, and spiritual goals. My education and occupation goals are the strongest and most prevalent goals in my life. I want to be a physical therapist someday. In order to do that, I will have to complete an undergrad program as well
Education has always been a primary concern for my parents, who taught me that if I need to succeed in life, I have to be educated. Following their guide, I have always valued and tried to get the most of any educational opportunity I have had. Having grown up in a business family, I have always been interested in focusing my career in the business field. My Mother and Father own their own company, and they are constantly talking about business, which has inspired me to follow their path. When my
Goals of CAM Education The primary goal of CAM is to ensure that health care providers are skilled to communicate effectively with clients about modalities and develop a sufficient knowledge-base about CAM in order to provide wise information. An emphasis on safety and potential risks and benefits should be the basic goal. Accepting a non-judgmental, supportive position about CAM can improve the therapeutic health care provider relationships. Health care providers should develop an approval for
job for everyone, but I strongly believe that teaching is my calling. What many people do not understand is that as early childhood educators, we begin to shape the minds of these young children. We are one of the primary building blocks to their education. What we teach them will stay with them forever, and it may not be just things within the curriculum. Although teaching may seem like an easy career, it is one of the most important roles in a child 's life. Many children spend more time at school
I believe that the purpose of education is to produce the next generation of leaders who are intelligent and have great character. This idea is supported in the article “The Purpose of Education” by Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist who fought for black and white people to have equal rights in America. He writes about the true purpose, and meaning of education in the article by saying, “Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true
Goal Statement: Multiculturalism and Education As discussed in the problem statement, supporting multiculturalism in the classroom is a quite challenging task for an educator. Banks, J. and Banks, C. [1] underline that the key idea behind the multicultural education is to ensure that students from different backgrounds should have equal opportunities to study and be educated. In order to achieve this goal each educator must focus on development of new courses, programs, and principles that will allow
When looking forward seven years I am excited, nervous, and anxious for how my life will turn out. I am a very goal-oriented person so I have a concise plan for how I want the rest of my life to look like. Once I figured out I had a love for English, I quickly decided I wanted to be a teacher. In seven years, I plan on being married and starting a family as I go through the first couple years in my teaching career. Ever since I was a young child I always had a passion for books and reading. You could
Physical Education is the development and care for the body which enhances performance and the management in athletic games. There are levels of teaching the development to different ages and grades. Physical education allows children of all ages to become active when they don’t have the opportunities at home. With these classes they learn how to perform skills as well as enhance them for sports of interest. Children begin to participate and find ways to benefit their health long term. As these
reaching goals when it comes to effective learning. Students often set goals, or goals that are set by their parents which are not achievable. The only goals which are achievable are those who are braked down into smaller goals which the end result will be your main goal. In my community there is an extremely high demand of achievement. Children often suffer under those conditions because they cannot meet the expectations of their teachers or parents. Parents should be educated in effective goal setting
helping her set up her classroom. The hustle and bustle of the teachers setting up their intricate and perfectly themed classrooms was a rush of excitement that I knew one day I would be doing. One of the most defining moments of my high school education was having the opportunity to act as a “peer counselor” to students my own age and younger who were having academic or personal difficulties throughout the year. This was something that I was proud of and dedicated to. Many of these students suffered
Introduction Higher education exists to produce knowledge. This mission is accomplished by researchers and teachers, working in cooperation, with the goal of producing educated citizens. It is through research, innovation, and teaching that we improve our society. Education of the whole person was one of the earliest goals of higher education. Today there are many competing goals that influence the missions and funding philosophies tied to public universities. In chapter one of How to succeed in
Before the education system was implemented in the U.S., many political figures “wanted to create a national culture and qualified politicians for a republican government” (Spring, 2014, p. 10). Thomas Jefferson was the first to propose “an education, but with limited access for the whole population” (p. 11). On the other hand, Horace Mann called the father of the public schools believed that education was essential to reforming the society and one “important idea was that all children in society
In a world today where information is at a student’s fingertips it’s still so surprising how little students know about the world around them. It is my professional goal to use my Secondary Education, Social Studies Broad Field degree to become a High School Global Studies teacher with a creative twist. When my future students leave my classroom, I want them to have not only a greater understanding of the world events and cultures at large, but also have a great appreciation of the community culture
probably the most worrisome matter for college seniors. Nowadays most students deem college education as an investment that can eventually bring profits in the long run in terms of a financially successful career. To this end, a great number of students major in the most lucrative majors, which are not their actual interests. Luckily, I am able to dive into the field I love in college, and it blends with my career goal perfectly. I like teaching and conducting research, so I hope to become a psychology
My Philosophy on Education - Hopes, Goals, and Dreams When I was sixteen I started working with children from low socioeconomic backgrounds at a Family Resource Center. Everyday I saw how many of the children got overlooked at home and at school. This experience was critical in my decision to become a teacher because I know that I will always go the extra mile with each and every child. All children have lots of potential and need to be able to express it in some form whether it is with creative
If someone had asked me 13 years ago, when I first started my career in Education, what my long-term plan was, I would have surely responded that I planned to retire as a classroom teacher. I returned to college to pursue teaching as an adult, and was sure, at the time, that I would always be satisfied in that role. The truth is I do love my job. I love seeing that light bulb go on! As many teachers do, I spend many evenings and weekends researching and planning and going way above and beyond my
The time is now to become a Special Education Teacher. I believe the best fit for my academic and vocational goals is the UWM Exceptional Education Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program. I have been a teacher of students with special needs for the last couple of years in alternative settings. The students I like best tend to be the most challenging both behaviorally and academically. Success can be more apparent, yet at times there is frustration. I feel I am good at it, but need
school and now through my second year of college I have had one goal for my future, that goal was to graduate college with a degree in criminal justice. Not being interested in math or science, I was discouraged by the fact of taking classes that had nothing to do with my career choice. Thus being said, many people that I talked too felt the same way as I did. Which constantly led me to question what the importance of a liberal education was. After reading an essay called The Liberal Arts Are Not Elitist