Drug Treatment Essays

  • Drug Addiction Treatment

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    Addiction Drug Treatment Word count – date – 17/8/2010 Description: Addiction drug treatment is a treatment for the person who is having chronic or periodic dependence on the drug by repeated consumption of it. Keywords: drug addiction treatment, addiction drug treatment, addiction treatment drug rehab, drug addiction treatment program, drug addiction treatment centers, drug addiction treatment programs, drug addiction

  • Successful Drug Treatment

    779 Words  | 2 Pages

    When examining the issue of successful drug treatment, it is important to consider all aspects affected by drug and alcohol addiction. Upon researching the multitude of issues, it has become very clear that a great deal of efforts are currently being researched to ensure prevention and treatment for alcohol addiction and drug abuse that impacts, not only the abuser, but their families, to include the community as a whole (“National Institute of Drug Abuse.”). The success clearly depends upon individual’s

  • Treatment is More Effective Than Jail for Drug Offenders

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    society is drug addiction. With drug addiction comes those who offend and have run-ins with the law. Our country deals with these drug-addicted offenders by placing them in jails for a year or longer, only to have them come back out to society when their sentence is over. They are still drug-addicts and so they return to the street only to commit yet another crime. From here the cycle of crime, arrest, jail, and return to society continues, solving absolutely nothing. Therefore, placing drug-addicted

  • Labeling Theory Of Drug Treatment

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    There are many possible theories that can pertain to the idea and concept of drug treatment programs. The first theory that applies to effective drug treatment is the labeling theory. The labeling theory suggest that self identity and behavior of an individual is may be determined by how others classify or describe them. Drug use had a stigma that follows it. If you are doing drugs, you are considered a junkie, drunk, crack whore etc. When you are labeled you tend to believe and act in that way.

  • Drug Abuse Treatment In Prisons

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    Drug addiction and misuse amongst the imprisoned populaces is a plain realism that immensely complicates the job of rehabilitating lawbreakers. Approximations of severe drug contribution amongst reprobates’ points to the crucial need for operative interventions and accessible pointers show drug use amongst the people arrested by the police to be at prevalent levels. Throughout the 1970s, it was pointed out by F. M. Tims in Drug Abuse Treatment in Prisons, that only about half the Nation’s State

  • Drug Addiction Treatment Program

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are several things in life, which should not have been discovered yet. Drug is one of those things. The world will be a best place without these terrible things, which create additions and hence make many people suffer. Regrettably, we are not able to turn back time and get rid of the problem as its roots. However we can stay far away from drugs and do not give into enticements. Although, we have the choice of staying away from them, many people across the world are making use of them regularly

  • Reducing Symptoms in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder Through Drug Treatment

    2120 Words  | 5 Pages

    Reducing Symptoms in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder Through Drug Treatment Bulimia nervosa is a chronic psychiatric disorder that haunts the lives of many young women. The disorder is characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating followed by some sort of purging. The purging usually involves self-induced vomiting and can cause great damage to the body. Persons diagnosed with bulimia nervosa have a loss of control over these behaviors. Affecting the lives of 3-5% of young women

  • Drug Treatment Centers Essay

    508 Words  | 2 Pages

    While there are many drug rehabilitation centers available, very few of them offer the exact same services, treatments and amenities. When searching for a rehab center, patients have to find a facility that suits their needs. Each person is different, so the treatment center must be just as unique. Out of the thousands of drug rehabilitation centers in the United States, patients have to find the center that suits their addiction, co-occurring disorders and trauma needs. Drug Rehabilitation Centers

  • Drug Addiction Treatment Centers

    1008 Words  | 3 Pages

    When you are looking for drug addiction treatment centers, it becomes very important that you have to know thoroughly all aspects of rehabilitation centers before you choose the one for you or for your loved one. You have to review these rehabilitation centers on facilities or services they gives, for example, rehabilitation treatment programs, professionals, and ratings they have. And what they charge for all their services. There are some drug addiction treatment centers, which are giving better

  • Drug Treatment Programs In Prisons

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    relationship between drug treatment programs in prison and recidivism rates within Victoria is quite limited in its entirety (Heseltine, Day & Sarre, 2009). However, the use and abuse of illicit drugs by delinquents is a general concern for all who work in criminal justice systems. Many have looked into the relationship between drug use and criminal behaviour and it has been found that there is a close statistical relationship between the two (Dowden & Brown, 2002). The ‘War on Drugs’ focused on incapacitation

  • Prison Based Drug Treatment Programs and There Effects

    783 Words  | 2 Pages

    this paper is to inform about effect the drug treatment programs in prison are and who they affect the most. The programs are meant to for re-offenders with an extensive drug record. Some of the questions the researchers asked was how well do the programs work for the inmates, who does it effect, and does different drugs affect the programs. In 2002 there was 250 prison based drug treatment programs in 40 states. In 2004 the number went up to 290 treatment programs in 44 states. (Farebee et al. 1999)

  • Baltimore City Drug Treatment Court Case Study

    617 Words  | 2 Pages

    from the program. Since 1992 when the local adult drug court was funded, it has successfully graduated about 4,500 people in total. In addition, the Baltimore City Drug Treatment Court (BCDTC) is a jurisdiction of interest whose success will be examined. The Baltimore City Drug Treatment Court was established in 1994 prior to a response by a report presented by the Bar Association of Baltimore city in 1990. There was a rough estimate of about 85% of crimes committed in Baltimore city were related

  • Drug Treatment Courts

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    entering the criminal justice system and produce recidivism rates among habitual offenders. These courts include drug courts, DUI courts, mental health courts and others to address specific crimes types. These courts were initially implemented in Miami, Florida, in 1989 to address the sheer volume of non-violent drug offenders entering the criminal justice system (see McColl, 1996). Drug treatment courts address alternative sanctioning needs and offer preventive efforts in a given community with alternative

  • Phen/Fen

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    Phen/Fen What is Phen/Fen and How Does it Work? Phen/fen is a popular drug treatment for obesity and binge eating disorders. Two medications named phentermine (phen) and fenfluramine (fen) are taken together in order to work in a balanced fashion on two of the body's neurotransmitters. Phentermine blocks the absorption of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopomine is a stimulant that raises the body's temperature and increases metabolic rate. The effect of this blockage is a decreased

  • Therapeutic Placebo Effect:A Mind/Body Connection

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    Imagine you go to your doctor for chronic back pain and she tells you that she's going to give you a drug, yet she's not sure of its effectiveness because only approximately 40% of her patients have found it to be beneficial. How sure will you be that the outcome of this treatment will be positive? However, what if your doctor tells you she is giving you the newest, most beneficial drug treatment on the market and that she is very sure of how helpful it will be? Imagine the difference just a simple

  • Solutions To Homelessness

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    a single solution is the answer. Every homeless person shares the basic needs of affordable housing, adequate incomes and attainable healthcare. But a wide range of other unmet needs cause some people to become or remain homeless which include drug treatment, employment training, transportation, childcare and mental health services (Center 8.) Presently, one of the main causes of homelessness in American is the lack of affordable housing. New York researchers claim that affordable housing is the

  • Jerry Garcia And The Grateful Dead

    1011 Words  | 3 Pages

    of time (“Garcia”/Erlewine_). J.J. Garcia, also known as Captain Trips, was a diabetic heroine addict and was arrested on charges of heroine possession in 1985(Erlewine_/”Grateful Dead_ Rockhall”/”Garcia”). While in a Forest Knolls, California drug treatment center, Garcia died on 9 August 1995(“Grateful Dead”). Some of his ashes were scattered in the Ganges River not long after he died, and the rest were scattered into the San Francisco Bay in the second week of April 1996(“This Is the Week That

  • Migrane Headaches and Possible Drug Treatments

    1101 Words  | 3 Pages

    heart attack and stroke. Unfortunately, there is no cure for migraines. The best treatment options available only to seek to reduce frequency of attacks or treat an attack once one has begun, and medication use is often limited by side effects and difficulty of administration. The American Migraine Foundation itself labels current treatment options “far from perfect” and concludes, “Undoubtedly, better treatments are needed.” Filling this therapeutic void is the primary objective of NuPathe Inc

  • Antipsychotic Drugs: A Study on Dementia Treatment

    993 Words  | 2 Pages

    1.) What are antipsychotic drugs and why are they used on Dementia patients? Antipsychotic drugs are used to control psychotic disorders. Individuals that have psychotic disorders such as, bipolar (manic depression) and schizophrenia use this medication frequently. Furthermore, antipsychotic drugs can help with severe anxiety and depression. Antipsychotic medication control hallucinations, delusions, insomnia, anxiety, and agitation in patients. There are many people with dementia whom are also prescribed

  • Exploring ADHD and Available Treatments

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    paper describes ADHD and the treatments available. It discusses the different medications and their side effects and explains the opinions of some doctors for an alternative treatment. The main goal of the writing is to shed some light on the disorder and describe some theories about ADHD. This goal is stated in the thesis which talks about how ADHD cannot be identified exactly, the side effects to the medication are harsh, there are different alternative treatments, and research shows it may be