Antipsychotic Drugs: A Study on Dementia Treatment

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1.) What are antipsychotic drugs and why are they used on Dementia patients?
Antipsychotic drugs are used to control psychotic disorders. Individuals that have psychotic disorders such as, bipolar (manic depression) and schizophrenia use this medication frequently. Furthermore, antipsychotic drugs can help with severe anxiety and depression. Antipsychotic medication control hallucinations, delusions, insomnia, anxiety, and agitation in patients. There are many people with dementia whom are also prescribed antipsychotic drugs. These medications are also used to control and manage agitated dementia patients. Some antipsychotic medications that are given to people with dementia are risperidone, trazodone, and loxapein.
It is still uncertain exactly …show more content…

The video touched on several non-pharmacutical ideas. One great idea is at a nursing facility located in Minnesota that has a pilot project going on. This project is called, “awakening.” In the beginning of the project, the elderly individuals with dementia whom were living at the Minnesota facility, had their antipsychotic medications gradually reduced. Then the dementia patients completely stopped taking the antipsychotic drugs. In addition to the stopping of the antipsychotic medication, the staff focused on providing more one on one care to the folks with dementia. Furthermore, three days a week, the residents take part in three activities for that day. The staff also had a change in how they take care of the residents. They focus on the resident behaviors. For example, if there is a difficult and agitated resident, the staff will look at the behavior that the resident is expressing. If the resident is expressing agitation, the staff members will investigate why the resident is having that particular behavior. The staff may find out the resident is hungry, thirsty, or in pain. Then, the staff can quickly give the resident what they need. As a result, many of the residents whom were difficult to manage, are not so difficult at all. They just could not express what they …show more content…

One nursing facility has a sensory room. In this room, the residents can go to calm down and relax. The room is darkened and has a few bubbling water features with colorful lights. The residents also have the ability to express themselves with music in this sensory room. On the wall, is a display in which they can take the mallet and touch certain items that make a sound. Therefore, the residents can make music. This room assists the residents to relax and calm down without the need of antipsychotic

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