Dream Career Essays

  • dream career

    595 Words  | 2 Pages

    My Dream Career Selecting a career is the most important decision in a person’s life. The Health care industry has a good future in the United States of America. According to the American Department of Labor, the Medical assistant is one of the fastest growing health care professions. I have always been inclined towards health care and therefore I decided to be a medical assistant. To become a medical assistant one should possess different qualities. But the most important quality is to be a very

  • Dream Career Goals

    1079 Words  | 3 Pages

    get me my dream career of opening up my own child care and preschool center. I have decided to pursue my life as a child care provider because my mother has owner a small family child care (in home) for over twenty years. I have grown to love working with the children and helping run the business. Owning a child care center is not only a dream of mine but it is also my passion and I am determined to make it happen. And, with the help of this course I will be able to make my dream career come true

  • My Dream Career

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    girl my dream career was to be a vet or to go out to places where people didn’t have nothing to eat and help them with whatever I could. Now that I am older I realized that life is not easy as I thought it was when I was a little girl. For example that I could go and help people that didn’t have anything to help them survive. In order for me to help people that have nothing I have to get money to be able to help them with things I can actually afford. Now that I am older want to have a career that I

  • A Career As A Dream Career In The Sports Industry

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    I don’t really have a dream job in the sports industry because I’m a Criminal Justice Major, but if I were to chooses one it would be a Sports Security Director. This job interests me because I love sports in general and really enjoy attending sporting events for many reasons. As a fan there is no better feeling knowing that you’re protected and safe while watching something you love. I would want to be the person that ensures the safety of others, so they can enjoy the sporting event. As a security

  • money

    1179 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Meaning of Success Most people do not find their careers fulfilling or meaningful. Today more and more people are dissatisfied with this situation. Many people consider money to be more important than obtaining a purpose in life. Everyone has a passion deep down inside. You may not be aware of exactly what it is, but it will emerge as life goes on. Once you find this passion or mission, success will fallow. It is not easy to find or create work that truly satisfies the soul. Living your life

  • An Introduction To Career Development

    2204 Words  | 5 Pages

    1.0 INTRODUCTION TO CAREER DEVELOPMENT Career is a way a making a living. Career is as profession followed as lifetime. A person chosen plan for living lifetime that is career plan. A Career development plan is a path to future goals. Plan might be sometime any person (He/ She), create list of own goals, achieving those goals, and move to right path when trying to improve own career. Career plan might begin a before colleges, university, when wanting to change career in mid of life. Learning skills

  • School Counseling Essay Examples

    1189 Words  | 3 Pages

    While taking the Self Directed Search I thought about my interests, my past and my experiences. I thought it was interesting how my interests have changed over the years. I remember my dreams of owning a daycare over top of a clothing store where I showcased my designs. Oh, how things have changed. My love for people and my desire to help people in need has stayed with me through all my life journey. When I settled on being a school counselor it wasn’t an easy decision. I struggled with how I would

  • Interior Design as a Career

    1385 Words  | 3 Pages

    Imagine designing a dream home with all the color and space conceivable. This illustrates the work of an interior designer. A "schemer, intriguer, or plotter," could prosper in a career of design (dictionary.com, 'designer'). A career in interior design allows innate abilities of creativity and organization to be practiced in satisfying a client's desire for style and flare in their home or workplace. The work of an interior designer requires a natural skill to work with people and to decipher

  • Marine Biologist Career Analysis

    2379 Words  | 5 Pages

    This essay is a comparison between three careers that I chose being optional future choices. The careers I chose is becoming a Marine Biologist, Security Engineer, or Computer Network Architect. I used an evaluation matrix to compare the careers. I gave a weight for each criteria to rate the careers. I had to research each career and rate the criteria best to my liking. I rated the criteria from 1 to 100 and multiplied it to the weight to equal the total percentage. The weight is determined on the

  • Sports Journalism

    1886 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sports Journalism For my career research paper I have chosen to delve into the world of the sportswriter, and take a closer look at what that occupation may hold for myself. I have chosen to research this form of journalism because I consider myself to be a sports fanatic, and would very much enjoy spending the rest of my working days writing about the conditions in the world of sports. During the last year or so I have taken a period of time everyday to relax and read over sports articles from baseball

  • Classmate Interview & Schlossberg 4S Model

    1962 Words  | 4 Pages

    Classmate Interview & Schlossberg 4S Model 1 Situation: The transition My client was Sonia and her transition was the change of her career choice. She said that before when she was in high school she wants to study early childhood education because she thought she likes to work with children. And when started studying at George Brown College for English, she found out a lot of information about the early childhood education program and decided that the program was not suitable for her. She found

  • Professional Development

    2292 Words  | 5 Pages

    uses to measure personal development and suitability for advancement to higher degrees of social responsibility. One such milestone is career selection and attainment. Some individuals may never find a satisfying vocation, whereas others know what they desire from the day they can communicate. A simple way to reduce the unfortunate friction of choosing a career is to be self-aware. Understanding what makes one happy, fulfilled, and the things that are important to them, is the easiest way to narrow

  • My Dream Career

    774 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ever since I was a child I knew teaching was my calling in life. I want to be a teacher because I absolutely love children and I want to be able to make a difference in a child’s life just like some of my teachers have done for me. My ninth grade Spanish teacher, Mrs. Grimm, was the one who influenced me to become a teacher because she made learning so much fun and everyday I couldn’t wait to get to her class. With every lesson she made up a song to go along with it that way when it was time for

  • Career Essay: My Dream Career To Be A Detective

    830 Words  | 2 Pages

    My dream career is to be a detective. My reason for studying or wanting to be in this career is because I want to help people find what they are looking for. I want to be able to make people smile and be happy. Another reason for me researching this career is because I think it’s a something I would enjoy doing. It’s a job I would want to wake up every morning to do. Yes there are going to be those days were I do not want to wake up and do my job but that’s part of life you have to do thing sometimes

  • Persuasive Essay

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    have their career chosen by the time they are out of High School. They are trained to plan and map out their entire lives. Yet, college students still end up having an undecided major by the time they start their freshman year in college. A huge issue that is present in today’s society is that college students chose their major for the wrong reasons. Parents pressure students to pursue careers in business, medicine, politics, and law; however, unless practiced with passion, those careers are pointless

  • Steps to Making a Career Plan

    765 Words  | 2 Pages

    background report describes the student career planning that can help them to manage their learning and development process. The report focuses on different steps to make a career plan such as knowing yourself, finding out, making decisions and talking action to be the main points in your career plan. Knowing your self is to explore your skills, interests and motivations to set your goals of work and education. The finding out step is to explore the careers, education fields as well as determine

  • My Dream Career As A Veterinarian

    956 Words  | 2 Pages

    what did you say you wanted to be when you were older? An astronaut? A doctor? A teacher? Did you continue this dream when you graduated college? A survey was created to show how many people in the united stated actually pursued their dream career after they graduated high school. “Overall, one in four US professionals and 30% of global workers say they earn a living from their childhood dream job or a related field, the LinkedIn survey of 8,000 professionals found.” (Commentary) 30 percent is a very

  • Photography As A Career Essay: My Dream Career

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    Without a doubt, being a highly respected photographer would be my dream career. The type of job that wouldn 't feel like a job because it is one of my favorite hobbies. Growing up I always noticed how much longer I took to take a picture of someone than when they did the same for me. I soon realized that I actually had a passion for getting the right shot that I understood that not every pictures the same and that certain angles made others look better in places. The praise I received for taking

  • My Dream Career As A Nurse

    1195 Words  | 3 Pages

    My Dream Career In today’s society, there are many different dream jobs to choose from, be it a job in nursing, the Military, Education, legal, or maybe even engineering. The list can go on and on as long as I am determined on finding the right job that fits me. I would have to weigh out the good and the bad of each one I considered. Every different one that I thought would be a good fit for me had some good points to them as well as some bad ones. At the end of the day, I have decided to go with

  • The American Dream: A Career As A Chef

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dreams are still very important in today’s society and the American Dream is still alive. My dream is to be a chef. There are many steps I have to take to get there. During highschool I have to take advantage of programs that are presented to me. I will have to do everything I can to pass all my classes and graduate. I will have to take Culinary Arts and Hospitality at Oakland Technical Southeast Campus (OTSC) either my Junior or Senior year (https://ostconline.com/programs/pages/default.aspx).