Circuses Essays

  • Abuse of Animals in the Circus

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    really happens behind the curtain. Animal cruelty, poor living conditions, and lack of legal regulation scars the animals and becomes very dangerous to the overall health of the animals and those who are around them. The mistreatment of animals in circuses has been occurring for far too long, and new laws need to be implemented in an effort to prevent future acts of cruelty toward these animals. “Virtually 96 percent of their lives are spent in chains or cages,” and “11 months a year they travel over

  • Ethical Obligations To Circus Animals

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    regarding the ethical acceptability of utilising circus animals for human entertainment. Many would argue that the entertainment benefits gained by humans outweigh the detrimental effects on the animals. However, conversely, it has been proposed that circuses knowingly harm these animals both physically and psychologically. This essay will argue that owning and training circus animals to perform for human entertainment is a blatantly unacceptable practice from an ethical perspective, and, hence, that

  • banning animals in the circus

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    they attacked with bull hooks in PETA’s undercover video. Mohandas Gandhi once said “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Countries such as Greece, Bolivia and China have banned animal circuses. Even the British government has pledged the removal of them in the circus by 2015. With alternative entertainment available, such as the incredibly talented Cirque Du Soleil, there should be no question about abandoning these cruel traditions.

  • Analysis of Animal Treatment in Circus

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    America’s circus industry due to the neglect and abuse of the participating animals, courts’ decisions highlighting the true importance of the issue. These rulings make one ask the question: What types of regulations could be put in place in all circuses to ensure that the animals involved are not abused in the process? In the end, many different species of animals play an integral role in the circus industry of America, and they all have their own needs, including specific diets and living conditions

  • Compare And Contrast Water For Elephants By Sara Gruen

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    Of course, the movie couldn't possibly include all of the vivid descriptions and every little detail that the book does, or else it’d be seven hours long. But what I enjoyed about the movie was that it picked up on a lot of the great history of circuses in the 1930’s and truly captured the personalities of the characters that Sara Gruen wrote about in the book. After seeing a photograph of the Benzini Bros. Circus from 1931, Jacob Jankowski, a 93-year-old circus retiree, recounts the time

  • Rosemarie Garland Thomson's Extraordinary Bodies

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    In her 1997 article “Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring physical disability in American culture and literature” Rosemarie Garland Thomson explores the spectacle that was the 19th and 20th-century freak show. According to Thomson, the American freak show served as a “figure of otherness upon which spectators could displace anxieties and uncertainties about their own identities” (Thomson). The stars of the show were seen as freaks of culture, often crippled by medical deformities that left them on the

  • Panem et Circense : Blood, Bread, and Battle

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    receive free food at the coliseum. Get free food and get free fights to watch. It would be a great place to have fun. But all of this is the origin of Panem et Circenses Latin for “Bread and Circuses.” Juvenal (Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis) is known as the man who first introduced the concept of “Bread and Circuses.” In his poem in the book: IV Satire X: Wrong Desire is the Source of Suffering. He was a wise man and made many insightful poems. With his wisdom he realized what was happening and he made

  • Banning Animal Use in Circuses

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    71% of the circus animals observed by the study suffered medical problems.("Animal abuse facts and Stats") The use of animals in circuses should be banned because of the credulity towards the animals. Circuses use the method of physical abuse to train the animals. Some circuses also use food and water deprivation to make them do the routines. Wild animals should not be treated poorly. Watching exotic animals do tricks is amusing to people. Animals being used in entertainment should be outlawed. To

  • Boycott Circuses That Use Animals

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    Boycott Circuses That Use Animals A world where entertainment doesn't stray far from cruelty to animals is a battle the human race continues to fight. As we build the foundation to our lives we fail to consider the impact of these actions towards the animals involved in circuses. The treatment towards animals in the circus is unethical. Animal cruelty in the circus is seen as a norm because many are unaware that these innocent animals are subjected to cruelty for the sake of entertainment. Animals

  • Three Popular Circuses In The 19th Century

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    Circuses were meant to entertain people. They usually traveled from city to city staying one or two nights at a time and then leaving. The circuses were presented in theaters that had ramps and a full orchestra down in front of the stage. While at the circus you would see people dancing on the backs of horses along with doing ballets and Italian shadow plays. Circuses now a days are a lot different than they were when they first began in the 18th and 19th Centuries. The circus has had very interesting

  • Zoos, Circuses, and Aquariums: Cruel and Unjust

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    Zoos, Circuses, and Aquariums: Cruel and Unjust Zoos, circuses, and aquariums have been around for many years. Families across the planet flock to these facilities to have an entertaining day in the great outdoors. Mothers and father show their children the beautiful, exotic animals at these places in a hope to educate them on the wonders of the world. The general public holds places like the San Diego Zoo, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, and SeaWorld in high esteem. Sadly, most are

  • Circuses Should Handle The Animal Abuse

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    Circuses: How We Should Handle the Animal Abuse When you see an elephant, tiger, or any wild animal, you should see them in the wild. You should see them in groups of the same species and running free, not balancing on their front legs or jumping through a fiery hoop. Wild animals are not indoor pets, a tiger is not a cute little kitten and an elephant definitely is not like a dog. Unfortunately circuses do not seem to grasp this concept. Circuses should be banned or shut down because they abuse

  • Animal Welfare: Banning Wild Animals from Circuses

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    In accordance with the Welfare of Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (England) Regulations 2012, a travelling circus is defined as ‘a circus in which travels from place to place for the purpose of giving performances, displays or exhibitions’ and ‘a circus as part of which wild animals are kept or introduced (whether for the purpose of performance, display or otherwise). The circus is said to have originated in the 1700s, with a one-time Sergeant Major in the 15th Light Dragoons, Philip Astley performing

  • Essay On Circus Animals

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    used in circuses. These animals range from domestic animals, such as dogs, to animals usually found in wild communities, including elephants and big cats. Despite the ease with which they seem to perform, circus animals are forced to learn and execute painful and confusing acts. Because of the inhumane conditions in which circus animals must live, animal-free circuses should receive more support than their animal-using-- more like animal-abusing-- counterparts. For the most part, circuses do not

  • Effects Of Zoos On Animals

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    and circuses are merely entertaining places to visit animals doing what they would in the wild or performing mind blowing tricks. Although zoos are said to be a learning environment and circuses just a harmless show, these environments are some of the most threatening to wild animals. What these people do not see are the horrors that happen behind the curtains or behind closed doors. These people do not witness the constant brutality or the constant neglect that animals in zoos and circuses experience

  • The Pros And Cons Of Animal Captivity

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    Human fascination for lions and tigers has prompted circuses, such as Ringling Brothers, to hold these feline animals in captivity for entertainment. However, these actions are morally impermissible because it causes unnecessary harm and suffering, therefore compromising the animal’s welfare (21). Furthermore, the moral issue that arises is whether these circuses are minimizing the level of discomfort their animals experience. The basis of these arguments is not whether lions and tigers have the

  • animals

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    Circus Cruelty Circuses portray animals as talented and well-behaved beings, but behind closed doors, the animals are placed in pain and misery to perform the demeaning acts. Animals suffer without the publics’ knowledge of such torture. Laws protect these animals but are not sturdy enough to stop the overall sadness of the animals. Trainers in the circuses beat the animals in order to do certain tricks. PETA states that trainers use tight collars, whips, beatings, and torture as a daily occurrence

  • The Mistreatment of Circus Animals

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    Beginning the process of putting together a circus show takes a colossal abundance of work. First, some exotic animals must be captured and trained. The majority of circus animals are caught in the wild; the animals put in several years of service to the circuses, such as Ringling Brothers Circus and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Animals that are born into the circus business are held until the need to replace a retiring performer arises (Minutes of Entertainment, 2). To train the animals, shocking, poking, prodding

  • Persuasive Essay On Animal Entertainment

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    animal’s in many cases are treated horribly, mostly in situations like circuses. The animal’s health is in danger. Also the animals can become dangerous. There is no guarantee that these things don’t happen to animals all over. So overall these animal entertainment attractions (zoos, circuses, marine parks, and aquariums) should be changed or even shut down. There are innocent animals being treated horrible everyday at circuses, marine parks, and zoos. Animals like elephants and tigers were not made

  • Elephant Abuse In The Circus

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    Animals). All across the world, animals used in circuses such as Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey live a horrific life in which they are dominated, confined, and violently trained. They are routinely beaten, shocked, and whipped until they learn to perform tricks that make no sense to them. (Meet the Elephants). Many people are not aware of the harsh reality the elephants and other circus animals face just so circuses can make money. The way these circuses treat these animals that have been ripped from