Brilliant Career Essays

  • My Brilliant Career at Fuddruckers Restaurant

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    My Brilliant Career at Fuddruckers Restaurant Being called a 'bitch' on the job was becoming more and more an everyday occurrence. After all I did work with four or five guys I liked (males that are rather 'normal' call other males they like the oddest things) and a most unladylike girl who hated me with a severe passion (females that are rather 'unrefined' call people they hate the oddest things.) But today was slightly different. It marked the beginning to the downfall of my employment

  • Miles Franklin's My Brilliant Career

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    Miles Franklin's My Brilliant Career Topic: Give a detailed analysis of a key scene or passage from "My Brilliant Career" by Miles Franklin. The focus and essence of My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin is centred on the relationships and interactions of Sybylla Melvyn (the key character of the novel), towards other characters. The ways in which she reacts to different people and why she reacts in a particular manner, are perhaps more crucial and intriguing to the reader, than any distinct

  • Gustave Eiffel

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    engineer by training, Gustave Eiffel designed some of the finest and most recognized structures in the world today. Specializing in metal structural work, Eiffel’s accomplishments range from the Nice observatory to the Statue of Liberty. His brilliant career was marred only by the fraudulent charges brought on during the construction of the Panama Canal. Gustave Eiffel was born in Dijon, France in 1832. He graduated from the Escole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in 1885, the same year that Paris

  • Gillian Armstrong

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    genres, including gangster, musical, and most frequently, period drama. The three films I am going to explore are My Brilliant Career, Mrs. Soffel and Little Women. These are all period drama films that evolve female characteristics and feature women in lead roles. These films demonstrate the stylistic pattern of story telling, (Carter, 2002). Gillian Armstrong produced My Brilliant Career in 1979. This film was the highlight of the period drama, which was popular in Australia at that time. Armstrong

  • Augustus Ceasar

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    Caesar and united the split roman empire after over 100 years of civil war. He is the single most important person in roman history, and he conquered more territories than anyone other roman ruler. This is why Augustus Caesar had such a long and brilliant career. Augustus was born in Rome, in 63 B.C. with the name Gaius Octavius Thurinus. His father, also Gaius Octavius, came from a respectable family and was governor of Macedonia before his death in 58 BC. More importantly, his mother Atia Balba

  • President Herbert Hoover

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    Herbert Clark Hoover was the 31st president of the United States. During his first year in office the Wall Street crash of 1929 occurred. He was blamed for the resulting collapse of the economy, and his unpopular policies brought an end to a brilliant career in public office. After the inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933, however, Hoover remained a leading critic of the New Deal and a spokesman for the Republican party. Early Life Born on Aug. 10, 1874, the son of a blacksmith in

  • Steven Spielberg Biography

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    Steven Spielberg Biography Steven Spielberg: Revolutionary and Visionary Who would have thought that a brilliant career in filmmaking could have originated with a modest jar of Skippy Peanut Butter smeared on a neighbor’s window in a tiny Cincinnati suburb? One might not think that such an average boyhood prank could evolve a boy into a man who would become the most financially successful film director in history. Well, that is exactly where Leah Spielberg, Steven Spielberg’s mother, would

  • My Brilliant Career

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    The 1890s in Australia was an exciting yet tumultuous period for its literature and arts. It was marked by a prodigious influx of literature based upon Australia and its unique landscape and culture. The novel My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin, written on the cusp of the twentieth century, is representative of the fervent nationalism which went in unison with the financial growth of the fledgling nation. The fearless heroine in the novel ‒ Sybylla Melvyn ‒ embodies the core values and beliefs

  • Diamonds' Equal Power

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    campaign that will turn profits. Women of the world will raise their right hand but most likely those rings will be cubic zirconias. Those who can afford a "house" on their right hand most certainly deserve to display it. The right hand ring is brilliant and the advertisement amongst the hundreds of others in W Magazine catches the attention of women who "must" prove their rank. This advertisement appeals to women's feelings, wants, needs, desires, values, and beliefs. Pathos is the theme of this

  • Brilliant Lies: Comparison between Film and Playwright

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    Brilliant Lies: Comparison between Film and Playwright David Williamson wrote the serious comedy, Brilliant Lies in 1993. Three years later the play was adapted into a film. The play was about how a young sexy party girl, Susy, was sexually harassed by her power-demeaning boss, Gary. Throughout the story we are kept in the dark about what the truth really is concerning the account in the office when both parties worked late alone. The film introduces changes to both enhance and develop the play’s

  • Interior Design as a Career

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    prosper in a career of design (, 'designer'). A career in interior design allows innate abilities of creativity and organization to be practiced in satisfying a client's desire for style and flare in their home or workplace. The work of an interior designer requires a natural skill to work with people and to decipher what a client desires. "The designer's job is to evaluate, plan, and design the interior areas of residential, commercial, and industrial places." (Careers in Focus: Design

  • money

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    The Meaning of Success Most people do not find their careers fulfilling or meaningful. Today more and more people are dissatisfied with this situation. Many people consider money to be more important than obtaining a purpose in life. Everyone has a passion deep down inside. You may not be aware of exactly what it is, but it will emerge as life goes on. Once you find this passion or mission, success will fallow. It is not easy to find or create work that truly satisfies the soul. Living your life

  • Professional Development

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    uses to measure personal development and suitability for advancement to higher degrees of social responsibility. One such milestone is career selection and attainment. Some individuals may never find a satisfying vocation, whereas others know what they desire from the day they can communicate. A simple way to reduce the unfortunate friction of choosing a career is to be self-aware. Understanding what makes one happy, fulfilled, and the things that are important to them, is the easiest way to narrow

  • The Importance of National Career Development Guidelines

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    I will discuss the National Career Development Guidelines and will address each section of the guidelines in terms of its importance in career counseling. As well, I will critique an activity that is used in elementary school setting against the guidelines to compare if the activity meets the standards. Section one; of the National Career Development guidelines address matters of personal social development. In this domain interpersonal skills are addressed, work-life balance is addressed, and

  • An Introduction To Career Development

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    1.0 INTRODUCTION TO CAREER DEVELOPMENT Career is a way a making a living. Career is as profession followed as lifetime. A person chosen plan for living lifetime that is career plan. A Career development plan is a path to future goals. Plan might be sometime any person (He/ She), create list of own goals, achieving those goals, and move to right path when trying to improve own career. Career plan might begin a before colleges, university, when wanting to change career in mid of life. Learning skills

  • Career

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    achievements, interest, values, and personality for a career. The pros of this theory are the exploration of her interest and values and the emphasis placed on her personality and achievements. In hindsight, the con of this theory in my perspective was the aptitude test. I personally do not think a test can predict the future success in a career. I think success can be determined by prior achievements and the interest the person has in the career. Given Olivia’s prior success, I think her capabilities

  • super career counseling

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    Self-concept Theory of Career Development - Donald Super Self-Concept- The outcome of complex interactions between 1. Physical growth and mental growth 2. Personal experiences 3. Environmental characteristics 4. Stimulation Career Development- A lifelong proactive journey that utilizes planning, development and implementation of vocational skills to reach career goals. Self-Concept Career Development, as described by Super, is ever changing growth process in and through five different developmental

  • What Makes A Successful Career

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    The reasons why people succeed in their careers are probably as numerous as the number of successful people. When we begin to think about the qualities these people possess, it becomes apparent that we can classify or catagorize them into a few specific groups–those who really enjoy their work, those who are obsessed with their work (they either want to be the 'best'; or have a fear of failure), those who are blessed with exceptional talent in their field, and those who have planned their work

  • Classmate Interview & Schlossberg 4S Model

    1962 Words  | 4 Pages

    Classmate Interview & Schlossberg 4S Model 1 Situation: The transition My client was Sonia and her transition was the change of her career choice. She said that before when she was in high school she wants to study early childhood education because she thought she likes to work with children. And when started studying at George Brown College for English, she found out a lot of information about the early childhood education program and decided that the program was not suitable for her. She found

  • Group Career Counseling, Is It Really Beneficial?

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    I believe group career counseling could be a valuable forum for career development. In terms of education, exploration, and sill development, I echo the books notion that group career counseling could be beneficial for a variety of topics. I feel more specifically it could benefit individuals in terms of interview preparation, resume building, job searching, and networking. As well, I think group counseling could be beneficial for individuals with limited financial resources that are need of general