Brand Loyalty Essays

  • Essay On Brand Loyalty

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    The main concept of brand loyalty has been approached from three different factors which is behavioral, attitudinal and composite loyalty. The researchers have their own assumption or known as behavioral view which they assume that the loyalty of a guest toward a brand is based on the repeat transactions occur. The study of O’Malley (1988) show that this approach provides a more realistic picture on how well the brand is performing compare to other competitors. However, this approach have been criticized

  • Importance Of Brand Loyalty

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    market gradually enriched, competitive brands are steadily increasing, consumers can choose from different brand. Many companies use brand to create and cultivate their own competitive advantage. This has become one of the main strategies used by companies in the international marketing competition. Brand loyalty is when consumers make purchasing decisions, they too many times to express the preference for a brand. It decides the value and influence of the brand, and affects the establishment of market

  • Brand Loyalty Essay

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    the brand loyalty of the consumers. Loyalty towards a brand brings in sales revenue, market share and profit towards an organization. With the help of a brand an organization can at least keep them in the marketplace. The researcher tells that there are various qualities that a brand must hold to shown that it is loyal towards its consumers. • To provide with an effective campaign • Give appropriate content what the consumer wants • Offers current content regarding a particular brand • Found

  • What Is Brand Loyalty And Loyalty

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    Brand emotional connection and Loyalty INTRODUCTION In latest time, branding theory literature has focused on the customer– brand relationship, which is based on an image that suggests consumers form relationships with brands in the same way they form relations in a social context (Fournier, 1998; Parvatiyar and Sheth, 2001; McAlexander et al, 2002). The concept is complex in nature and reflects affective and socio-emotional attachments, behavior ties and supportive cognitive beliefs Background of

  • Essay On Brand Loyalty

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    Lee. "Consumers' trust in a brand and the link to brand loyalty." Journal of Market-Focused Management 4.4 (1999): 341-370. 2. Krishnamurthi, Lakshman, and Sethuraman P. Raj. "An empirical analysis of the relationship between brand loyalty and consumer price elasticity." Marketing Science 10.2 (1991): 172-183. 3. Chaudhuri, Arjun, and Morris B. Holbrook. "The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance: the role of brand loyalty." The Journal of Marketing

  • Factors Of Brand Loyalty

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    2.4 Brand Loyalty Definition of brand loyalty is quite broad and can build up in various forms depending on the source of research from repeat purchases to favourable attitudes towards a brand (Lofgren and Li, 2010). From Figure3 brand loyalty can be divided into two major characteristics which are attitudinal and behavioural (Lofgren and Li, 2010). There are three types of users classified by frequency of purchase and attitude toward brand. Single user is a group of consumers who have highest purchase

  • The Influence Of Brand Loyalty

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    Brand loyalty is defined by Aaker (1991, p. 39) as a circumstance which shows the tendency of consumers switching to another brand, particularly when the brand makes a change, whether is a change in price or product features. Oliver (1997) characterizes brand loyalty as a sense of commitment to constantly repurchase or repatronise a favored product or service in the future, regardless of any marketing tactics or situational influences that may act upon switching behavior. Aaker (1992) and Keller

  • The Importance Of A True Brand Loyalty

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    A true brand loyalty can be called when consumers are both inclined to these two factors, otherwise, it can only be called a spurious brand loyalty if only attitude or behavior factors are found (Baldinger & Rubinson, 1996). Loyalty can also be separated from short term loyalty and long term loyalty. Short term loyalty is not a real brand loyalty because a long term customer will not buy other brands even if there is a better choice (Jones & Sasser, 1995). In addition, Bloemer and Kasper (1995) argue

  • Brand Loyalty Of Sneaker Brands Shoes Toward The Brand Adidas

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    journals that would help establish the main focus of this study. It would help enhance the knowledge being known already by the people when it comes to the brand loyalty of sneaker heads or people who loves shoes towards the brand Adidas. The researchers have identified specific factors that are important in building up this study. Brand Loyalty Based on Miller, Washington (2015-2016) millennial tends to buy more what is on trend. If you want your business to entirely thrive you have to make sure

  • What Is Brand Loyalty Essay

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    Towards get perceived individual choose that brand which they think that more comfortable with it. The efforts which marketing manager stood and building a decent attempt to accomplish and they have succeeded in a few courses by carrying quality to satisfy their need. By taking this step many companies are on offering promotions of their products and goods to create brand loyalty. An arrangement of brand brand property and liabilities joined to a brand , its name and quality that upgrade or take away

  • The Impact Of Packaging, Packaging And Brand Awareness On Brand Loyalty

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    Dumasi – Authors • (2014) – Year of publication • “The impact of packaging, price and brand awareness on brand loyalty: evidence from paint retailing industry ” – Title of the study • AOSIS Open Journals – Journal name • 14 – Volume no. of journal • (1) – Issue no. of journal • a194 – Page no. Review of literature for article 1: • Purpose of study – The impact of price, packaging & brand knowledge on brand loyalty. • Methodology Adopted – A quantitative survey approach using Regression & one-way

  • Importance Of Branding, And Brand Loyalty, To Successful Marketing

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    topics on academic, and branding is just one of the numerous marketing activities apparently. However, the perception of consumers might be a good guide to answer the question. In the following of this essay, the importance of branding and brand loyalty would be discussed in theory firstly, and further analysis would be made on them separately, supporting by examples of Virgin Atlantic airway. Finally, a conclusion will be given out. In general, there are numerous definitions of marketing

  • Brand Loyalty, Sense Of Community And Active Patance

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    A brands main goal is to build a relationship amongst each individual customer. This means the customers should have a psychological and deep emotional connection with the brand. A term used for this is brand resonance. Brand resonance as defined in lecture is a brand that emotionally connects to the customer by embedding in the routine and enhancing the experience of its users. By achieving brand resonance the brand must achieve the following three categories: behavioral loyalty, sense of community

  • Brand Loyalty Essay

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    ways a retailer can achieve brand loyalty but the most important person that can achieve it is the sales person that helps create brand loyalty. As a future retail leader, I define “brand loyalty” in the context of retail today as something that goes beyond creating a relationship between the customers and the sales associate; it is about creating trust and that is when customers begin to lean towards a brand and continuously purchase it. In other words, brand loyalty is the degree to which a consumer

  • Cereal:The Manufacturing Industry

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    Cereal: The Manufacturing Industry Everyday, more than eighty million Americans have some type of cereal for breakfast. Cereal is one of the most popular breakfast foods and some brand is found in almost every home in America (Topher). This vast industry stems from the late 1800s when John Harvey Kellogg and C. W. Post began cereal production in Battle Creek, Michigan (Topher). Today, numerous types and varieties of cereal line the grocery store shelves. However, only a few select companies make

  • Global Business Case Studies

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    leading manufacturer of toothpaste in Singapore, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, and Thailand, in order to gain a foothold in the Asian market. This was an important business decision as Colgate felt Hawley and Hazel had valuable strategic assets, such as brand loyalty, customer relationships, distribution systems, and production systems (Hill, 2014, p. 224). It was easier and less of a capital risk for Colgate to acquire the firm in order to establish a presence in Asia without having to spend the resources

  • Harley Davidson

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    Appendix section. Harley’s strategic objective is to continue to provide, safe, high technology heavyweight bikes and keep customer satisfaction at high levels. This quality vision more than doubled Harley-Davidson’s market share and increased its brand loyalty. Harley-Davidson’s products include: motorcycles, parts & accessories along with financing services. Three main geographic markets comprise the bulk of motorcycle sales: North America, Asia and Europe. Harley-Davidson’s customers are comprised

  • Bottled Water Quality vs Municipal Drinking Water Quality

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    "If we paid as much for tap water as we do for bottled water, most people would have a monthly water bill of over $9,000." - -Andrew C. Revkin - The New York Times It is very common for research groups to set up a "bottled water taste test". The results are always the same: without a label, there is no obvious difference among any kind of bottled water or even tap water. Yet millions of Americans routinely buy bottled water and re-filter their tap water. The Clean Water Act of 1972 was supposed

  • Ford and Flexible Manufacturing

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    The automotive industry is a highly competitive market where brand loyalty is only as strong as the latest gizmo and horsepower upgrade. The automotive assembly process, perfected by Henry Ford, was based on the simple principle that “customers can order a Model T in any color they wanted as long as it was black.” After the 1920’s the market witnessed new entrants with unheard of automobile features that ended Ford’s golden age. New automakers such as Buick, Chrysler, and Oldsmobile offered customers

  • Beer Industry Oligopoly

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    indicate that a few large firms would be more efficient that many small ones. 2. A high degree of capital investment required. 3. Other barriers to entry may exist like patents, control of raw materials, large advertising budgets, and traditional brand loyalty. History of the Beer Industry The brewing industry in the United States began in 1625 when the first brewery was founded. In the early stages the industry, competition among different breweries only existed in highly secluded small geographic