Biofilm Essays

  • Biofilms

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    A biofilm is a layer consisting of various combinations of many different organisms, autotrophic and heterotrophic. They are dense, organized communities of cells, encased in a self-produced slime. The bacteria grow together in water like atmospheres, attaching to a solid surface, forming a small ecosystem. Biofilms are known as a micro-environment, a micro-habitat, or a slime matrix. They help decompose dead organisms and recycle carbon and nutrients. Biofilms are formed on almost any surface

  • Essay On Biofilm

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    Urinary Catheter Associated Biofilms Introduction Biofilms are a type of complex growth that involves multiple species which specialize and carry out individual metabolic processes. A biofilm is composed of various bacterial species including multiple species of fungi, protozoans, and yeasts. These prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells attach to each other in interests of survival using an adhesive of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Biofilms function as a protected mode of growth for organisms

  • Hospital Acquired Infections: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

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    However, P. aeruginosa within biofilms have been found to have a resistance to antibiotics 1,000 times greater than that of its planktonic counterparts [4]. Infections that are caused by bacterial biofilms are very persistent and very difficult to treat. Biofilms have been partially linked to the persistence of P. aeruginosa in Cystic fibrosis (CF) infections. In recent years, several methods of treatment have been developed, to prevent chronic P. aeruginosa biofilm infections. As a result of these

  • Microbial Biofilms

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    Microbial biofilms are populations of microorganisms that are concentrated at an interface and typically surrounded by an extra cellular polymeric slime matrix. Biofilms can form on both solid surfaces such as teeth or dental implants and soft tissue such as gums and cheek walls. Microbial biofilms cause dental caries and periodontal infections. Normal host immune defenses do no remove microbial biofilms and they are also resistant to the effects of antimicrobial agents. Biofilm moves through

  • What Causes Dental Plaque

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    plaque (Muthu and Sivakumar, 2009; Tare, 2007). Dental plaque is the combination of bacteria embedded in a matrix of salivary proteins and bacterial products superimposed on the acquired pellicle (Berkovitz, et al., 2011). It is an example of a biofilm, a term used to describe relatively undefinable microbial community associated with a tooth surface or any other hard, non-shedding material (Reddy, 2008). Plaque can also be described as a soft, adherent, predominantly microbial mass, which accumulates

  • Essay On Biofilms

    1800 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Biofilms are complex communities of microorganism that can adhere to living or non-living surfaces. In the environment, biofilms divide by attaching and growing on surfaces. They are found in soil, aquatic system, medical devices, living tissues such as tooth, heart valves, ears and lungs. Biofilm formation is a process where the planktonic bacteria comes in contact with a surface, and producing the extracellular polymeric matrix to protect themselves against immune cells and antimicrobials

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Biofilms

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    Biofilms are defined as complex aggregates of microorganisms which are interlinked and secrete extracellular slime, which forms the matrix for the films. The extracellular slime is chiefly made up of polysaccharides. Biofilms are usually irreversibly attached to a surface, in that once a biofilm is attached to a surface, it is quite difficult to remove. Mineral salt crystals, clay and silt particles etc. are also sometimes present within the biofilm matrix (depending upon the surroundings). The majority

  • Gingivitis Essay

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    The inflammatory response is a nonspecific response to cellular injury and bacterial invasion. Inflammation is the primary defense in early gingivitis. Biofilm can initiate an inflammatory response if it is left undisturbed for as little as seventy two hours. Redness and swelling are two of the cardinal signs of inflammation and can be observed clinically in gingivitis. Histamine is released by mast cells

  • Dental Case Study

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    A healthy 64-year-old male was seen at the College of Southern Nevada’s Dental Hygiene Clinic on April 13, 2016 for a health history assessment, vitals and screening. The patient stated he was “feeling good.” The major reason for his coming to the clinic is to get a cleaning. His last dental visit was in 2014, and his last doctor visit was in March of 2016. He has no health problems and no allergies. He drinks one beer a day. He stated that he has one dental implant since 2000, although, no

  • Essay On My Laboratory Experience

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    The first obstacle being the actual generation of the L.m. biofilms. With ample amounts of literature review and assistance we managed to merge multiple facets of different articles to develop a protocol that produced biofilms. Afterwards, the problem of quantifying the formation of biofilm plagued my project. I was using Crystal-Violet and colorimetric assays in attempt to quantify the biofilms but, unfortunately this reagent imparted too much error in our results due to undifferentiating

  • Legionella Case Study

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    highest CFU/L recorded was also from the swab sample (faucet ). These results could be explained by the fact that Legionellae survive within biofilms, the most likely sample collected when swabbing a faucet compared to flowing water (Rogers JA, et. Al, 1994). In this case, the probability of isolation of the organism increases due to its better survival in biofilms as well as concentrated amount in this material. For the treatment method used, the technique which allowed the highest recovery of the organism

  • Dental Unit Water Lines Essay

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    dentistry for over 50 years.(12,13). The origin of these microorganisms may be patients' oral back fluid into the DUWLs, (14) the initial contamination of water entering into the unit and/or may be as a result of entering water contact with biofilm (15). Biofilms are made up of a sessile, heterogeneous consortium of microbial cells that are irreversibly attached to a substratum or interface or to each other.(16) These microflora become embedded in a self-secreted complex exopolysaccharides (16,17)containing

  • Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Essay

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    Breidenstein, Elena BM, César de la Fuente-Núñez, and Robert EW Hancock. "Pseudomonas aeruginosa: all roads lead to resistance." Trends in microbiology 19.8 (2011): 419-426. Driscoll, James A., Steven L. Brody, and Marin H. Kollef. "The epidemiology, pathogenesis and treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections." Drugs67.3 (2007): 351-368. This article discusses how pseudomonas aeruginosa is largely the cause of infection in hospital patients, immunocompromised hosts, and cystic fibrosis patients

  • Effects Of Plastic Pollution On Marine Environment

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    "The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review." Marine pollution bulletin 44.9 (2002): 842-852. Eich Andreas, Tobias Mildenberger, Christian Laforsch, and Miriam Weber. "Biofilm and Diatom Succession on Polyethylene (PE) and Biodegradable Plastic Bags in Two Marine Habitats: Early Signs of Degradation in the Pelagic and Benthic Zone?: E0137201." PLoS One, 10.9 (2015). Gouin, T, A.A Koelmans, N Wallace, R Thompson, and

  • Breast Implants Persuasive Speech

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    Hello. Today I will be talking to you all about silicone textured breast implants. Before I start, I want to mention that there have been about 1,500 known cases of BIA-ALCL, mostly in textured breast implants, around the world. There have been over 35 million people who have had breast augmentation surgeries and therefore there is a small risk of experiencing this type of lymphoma. Although that said, this illness is quite severe and if you or individuals you know are interested in getting breast

  • Lab Report : Staphylococcus Epidermidis

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    After the end of the experiment the unknown 10 sample was Staphylococcus epidermidis. Came to this conclusion by first beginning with a Gram Stain test. By doing this test it would be easier to determine which route to take on the man made flow chart. Gram positive and gram negative bacteria have a set of different tests to help determine the unknown bacterium. Based on the different tests that were conducted in lab during the semester it was determined that the blood agar, MSA, and catalase test

  • Understanding and Combating Antibiotic Resistance

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    been shown to be highly effective antimicrobial agents. They exhibit quick and specific bacteriolysis, synergy with other antimicrobial agents, and anti-biofilm activity. The synergistic ability of antimicrobial cell wall hydrolases is perhaps the most useful aspect, for they can combine various strengths in order to combat infective agents and biofilm development (Wittekind et al. 18-24). Another approach to combatting antibiotic resistance is targeting the cell membrane adaptation. One of the major

  • Periodontal Abscesses Research Paper

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    professional to correctly diagnose the periodontal abscess so that they can provide the correct treatment. Some treatment methods include draining and irrigation of the infection, surgery, extraction of the tooth, systemic or local antibiotics, and biofilm decontamination. Once a periodontal abscess has been treated it is up to the patient to prevent future infections by maintaining good oral care at home and seeking dental cleanings such as scaling and root planing if needed.

  • Caries Management Case Study

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    was repaired, the dental caries was not adequately treated, since the actual cause and risk factors were not adequately resolved. Recently the concept for caries management has been changed and focused mainly on multifaceted nature of caries and biofilm involvement. Currently it has been shown that the success to caries prevention

  • BioPatch vs. Tegaderm CHG in Reducing Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections

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    evidence, Tegaderm CHG is extremely effective at reducing the skin flora regrowth, or biofilm, that builds up underneath catheter dressings. Additionally, biofilm is a major source of CRBSI’s within the first week of build-up; biofilm is also a major source of tunnel exit site infections in long-term catheters. Again, according to manufacturer-funded studies Tegaderm has been proven extremely effective at reducing the biofilm build-up. A final distinction between BioPatch and Tegaderm CHG is in design.