Billboard Year-End Essays

  • Mariah Carey Accomplishments

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    Whether it is listening to or creating it, music is a universally loved pastime. Over the years music has evolved in numerous revolutionary ways. There are many different genres to explore. Each decade has its own unique sound. The 1950’s is known for rock and roll. The 1970’s is fondly remembered for soul music. The 1990’s were a very creative and experimental time in music history. Many beloved artists started their musical journey in the 90’s. One prominent legend from the time is Mariah

  • Significance Of The Green Light In The Great Gatsby

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    However, over the course of the novel, the meaning slowly changes and develops. At the beginning of the novel, the green light at the edge of Daisy’s East Egg dock stands for Gatsby’s hopes and dreams of reconciling his love with Daisy after five years. This positive association connects with the color green because the color green signifies the action of starting a new life. In terms of the dock light, Daisy represents a beacon that Gatsby continuously attempts to reach in the distance. In the middle

  • Adele Research Paper

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    “Hello, it’s me…”. These three words put Adele’s four year hiatus to an end as she exploded back into the music industry. This paper will investigate the life of Adele Adkins from her birth and education at the BRIT performing arts school, to her rise to stardom, earning herself Grammy’s, sold out tours, and even an Oscar. Adele rose to the top of the music industry after a performance on Saturday Night Live in October 2008 which gave her the publicity in the American market that she needed.

  • A Brief Biography Of Enrique Iglesias

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    their father. And in Miami Enrique was exposed to three different cultures and musical influences: Hispanic, European, and American. He made his singing debut while still in school when he he was featured in the production of ‘Hello’. After a long year of at the University of Miami studying business, he decided to follow his passion for music. In 1995 he performed in person for his soon to be future manager, using a fake name Enrique Martinez, because he did not want to use his family name, and

  • Comparison Of Tony The Tiger And Frosted Flakes

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    we see advertisements every day they tend to get boring and unappealing, but there are two that I believe do an outstanding job at persuading. The first one I will explain is a Frosted Flake commercial staring Tony the Tiger, the later will be a billboard sign posted by Chick-fil-A. Television

  • The Importance Of Advertising

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    and may fail to buy it even though your product would be available in every outlet. Advertising attracts consumers and gives them knowledge about the uses of your product. Advertising was not considered important, as it is today twenty to thirty years ago but today the amount of money spent on advertising really speaks a lot. In 2012 , the Electronic giant Samsung spent $4.3 billion in advertising. This is a huge sum of money , they wouldn’t spent that kind of money if they know that their sales

  • Informative Essay On Indie Pop

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    By now you might have seen a kid wearing some piece of clothing or at least some accessory that offers up some unknown name or some abnormal reference; by now if you’re the type of person who surfs YouTube to seemingly no end, then you’ve definitely been recommended the video of some strange, unfamiliar artist. If you are that type of person and let’s say: decided to leave your marathon of cat videos to check this one out, the first thing you probably would have picked up on is its sound. As you’re

  • Overview of Metalcore and Deathcore

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    worth mentioning is that thrash metal is widely regarded as having a “Big four” group of bands, being the most successful and influenti... ... middle of paper ... ...itish band Asking Alexandria, reaching all the way up to number nine on the Billboard 200, selling 31,000 in its first week. While Metalcore is not a genre that everyone is fond of, the genre has found a sizeable foothold, not only in North America, but around the world, and every day the genre increases in popularity and will continue

  • Analyzing The Movie 'State Fair'

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    takes place in the state of Iowa. The movie starts at the Frake’s family farm. The farm looks like a typically for of a middle-class family. The house is beautifully furnished. I did not see any hint of the year but it takes place during the last weeks of August because the billboard has the fair beginning on August 23rd. Other than the house, the fairground is the only other location in the movie. There are different places that are shown like the rides, booths, pig pavilion, race tracks,

  • Taylor Swift Essay

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    that Taylor Swift puts into her songs. Swift has been nominated as Time’s Woman of the Year because she is such a vibrant young woman (Dickey,

  • What Does The Valley Of Ashes Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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    There are three big symbols throughout the novel The Great Gatsby. The Valley of Ashes, an old, run, beat down town. The green light at the end of Daisy's dock. and The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg plastered on a billboard located in the Valley of Ashes. All having much significance throughout the novel. But at the same time all symbolizing death in the end without anyone even realizing it. The Valley of Ashes, It symbolized the ¨have-nots¨ and the waste left behind in the pursuit of wealth. It even

  • How To Write A Biography Of A Birdman

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    Shine On.” That album soared to the number 2 position on the Billboard Top Rap Albums chart and number 4 and 9 on the Top R&B Hip-Hop Albums and Billboard 200 charts, respectfully. On top of that, the two released the certified gold album, Like Father, Like Son. The single, “Stuntin' Like My Daddy” went insane. It took over the number 1 spot on the Top Rap Albums and R&B Hip-Hop Albums chart and it won the number 3 place on the Billboard 200. Not so shabby for the southerners and it didn't stop

  • Media Analysis Of Nestle

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    audience back to the childhood to emphasize Nestle has been accompanying them during their childhood until now. Nestle utilizes the lullaby, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star to play all through the commercial, and in the end of it, ends with a voice-over: "100 years of being by your side. 100 years of memories held closest to the heart." Nestle uses emotional appeal in advertisement to "communicate" the customers' deepest memories in

  • Gods of Metal: The Band Metalica

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    “Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire”, if one doesn’t know where this famous lyric has come from, the band Metallica would be the answer. Metallica is a lethal, energetic, up tempo metal band that has been around since October 1, 1981. Screeching of the guitar, double bass pedal of the drums, deep noises of the bass, and a recognizable voice, Metallica is the only band where no band could do it any better. Metallica started out slow, overcame some obstacles and is still rocking

  • Album: Marshall Mathers LP 2, by Eminem

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    On November 5th, 2013 Eminem released his 8th and final studio album titled Marshall Mathers LP 2. This album has been highly influential since its release and will continue to be discussed for years to come. Eminem is regarded as one of the best rappers ever and he redefined the genre as one of the first white rappers to be successful. Because of his success, Eminem’s final album is bound to be studied and listened to for decades. The reasons for this stem from the artist himself, the album art

  • Rihanna Research Paper

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    catchy. This debut peaked at #10 on Billboard. But since then, Rihanna has not failed her fans; with her continuous release of good tunes and new approaches to her work. Each subsequent album has landed in the top 5 on Billboard. Rihanna is one of those amazing artists that seem to have a great deal of fans yet despite her continued success, there are people out there who don’t “believe in her artistry” or have doubted her abilities time and time again. Eleven years after her first release we see Rihanna

  • Robyn Fenty: The Life Of Rihanna

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    With an unprecedented musical success, she’s one the most influencing pop stars the world has seen since the 2000s. In just 9 years of being in the music industry, Rihanna has achieved 12 billboard music awards, 8 Grammy awards, sold 210 million songs and 54 million albums worldwide. You think that’s all? No! She’s the fastest solo artist to hit the no.1 singles on billboard hot 100, thirteen times; that too as the youngest in the scene! Born on February 20, 1988, in St. Michael Parish on the Caribbean

  • What Does The Green Light Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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    green light, the billboard of T.J. Eckleburg, and the uncut pages of Gatsby’s books give the reader a deeper understanding of Jay Gatsby and the time period that he lives in. Jay Gatsby is a dreamer and a believer when looking out upon the water to the Buchanan’s dock. With every flash of the bright green light, Gatsby is hit with a wave of hope. He hopes and believes that Daisy, the woman he loves, will return to him so that they could live the rest of their lives together. At the end of the novel

  • Living Life Like The Great Gatsby

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    very deep in thought.  Fitzgerald releases little clues along the way of the novel  that will be crusual to understand the ending.  For instance, he makes the blue coupe a very important clue, as well as the Dr. T. J. Eckleburg eyes on the billboard that Mr. Wilson (the gas station attendant ) refers to as the eyes of god.  There are also other little things that relate to the reason of gatsby's death.  The main character's of this novel each have their part to do with the ending, Nick

  • Essay On Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

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    The first and one of the most popular symbols associated with The Great Gatsby is the green light. The green light is the light at the end of Daisy’s dock that Gatsby is often mentioned longing for. “If it wasn 't for the mist we could see your home across the bay,” said Gatsby. “You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock.” (Fitzgerald 93) The first of the major things the green light symbolizes is where Daisy lives and how much Jay Gatsby loves Daisy.