Academy Essays

  • History of the Academy Awards

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    the Academy Awards are highly anticipated by all people alike, from being televised across the globe. People look forward to the fashion and the glam of seeing their favorite actor or actress get all dolled up for the awards. Some people watch to see if their favorite movie will take home gold or take home all of the awards for the evening. Each year we curl up on the couch to watch the Academy Awards, but how did it get started and become the big event it is today? The idea for the Academy Awards

  • Achievements Of The Academy Awards

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    Caitlyn Girdner English 11 Haddorff March 10 2014 The Academy Awards “An academy award nomination is stuff dreams are made of” -Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Academy award winner in 2012. Since 1927 the academy awards have been fulfilling the dreams of actors, producers, and directors everywhere (History). From when the academy awards were first created, through the milestones over the years, and the iconic oscar statute, the academy awards have become one of the biggest award shows of all time. In early

  • Summary of The Austere Academy

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    Summary of The Austere Academy Mr. Poe drives the Baudelaire children to Prufrock Preparatory School. When they get there they meet Vice Principal Nero. Supposedly, they have an advanced computer system that will keep Count Olaf away. When they get there they hear about this wonderful place to live where you get fresh bowls of fruit every day, there is a library, and a game and social room. Only if you have your guardian sign a permission slip. Since the Baudelaire children did not have a guardian

  • The Banning of Harry Potter at Omaha Christian Academy

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    The Banning of Harry Potter at Omaha Christian Academy Imagine discovering that you’re not an ordinary person, but a wizard with magnificent, magical powers. Imagine attending a school where you’ll study transfiguration and charms instead of trigonometry and chem. Imagine the thrill of flying across the sky on a broomstick. These adventures and many others are waiting to be experienced in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by novelist J. K. Rowling. This fanciful and entertaining tale

  • Media Chronicle: The Academy Awards

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    The Academy Awards. I was ten years old when I first watched the ceremony and being so young at the time, all I knew was that a group of celebrities gathered to celebrate movies. Yet, as time went by and as I kept getting older and more knowledgeable about the awards, they became something more to me. The show not only changed my perspective about movies, but it also gave me a new insight into what I want to do with my life, and about the power of dreams and choices. Historically, the Academy Awards

  • Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls

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    respected pubic figures today. Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls is a boarding school, and was founded in January 2007, located in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was designed to help females that are “disadvantaged girls from deprived background.” Oprah’s main goal for the academy was to mentor academically these disadvantage females, and to help them unlock hidden talents to make a difference in their lives. The $40 million Leadership Academy is equipped with a state-of-the-art library that was

  • Brookfield Academy

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    Why I should go to BA? Brookfield Academy is a unique private school, that has a rich history of scholars graduating, and going to outstanding colleges. These colleges include, Harvard University, Brown University, and Yale University. Although the fee for entering Brookfield Academy is quite pricey, I think that it is the right school for me. The grades for this school consist of, Level A, B, and grades 1 through 12. In level A and B, children arrive at 8:15 to start their daily activities. First

  • banaadir academy

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    Banaadir Academy is a K-8 charter school connected to MTS (Minnesota Transitions Charter School). The school is located in North Minneapolis, Minnesota. Banaadir Academy’s focus is to serve 300+ East African students. Most of the scholars are English learners; hence, ELL staffs strive to provide instruction for academic and linguistic proficiency. The students’ competency skills are expected to empower them to communicate effectively with English speakers and to contribute to mainstream society

  • Fire Academy Recruitment

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    My next step was to attend a fire academy; Attending a fire academy can provide hands-on training with field equipment and special tactics, as well as training with hazardous materials. After some consideration I decided to move back up-state and attend the San Francisco Fire Academy, one of the highest rated fire academy’s in the state. Finally after close to four months and 600+ hours of training, I successfully

  • Adam Forde 1984

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    The Academy is in charge of educating, monitoring, and ultimately controlling the citizens in the Republic. The Academy holds the truth of the past from the citizens to create a perfect society. The Academy relates to famous quote from George Orwell’s novel 1984 as a rational reason for their control, “[h]e who controls the past controls the future. He who

  • Born on the Bayou

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    Standing on the street corner, eyes closed, head tilted skyward, my ears consumed the sounds of the day. Cars whizzing by, dogs barking, wind swirling dried leaves across the sidewalk. A faint greeting, “How’s your mom and ‘dem?” I did not immediately realize it was directed towards me. The second time I heard it, “How’s your mom and ‘dem?”, the volume had been turned up. Peering through the maze of azalea bush branches, I see a weathered old man, straw fedora sitting percariously atop his

  • What Defines Success in Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

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    their being a rule for overall success by showing statistics of people who are defined as being successful such as Bill Gates, Billy Joy, and The Beatles. He also uses a Berlin music academy to help prove his rule. He presents an argument that Bill Gates and The Beatles and the violinist attending the music academy may have been born with innate talent but that is not the sole ... ... middle of paper ... and how long you practiced it. This is a great method for convincing because of how

  • Joseph-Louis Lagrange

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    that he appointed Lagrange professor of mathematics at the Royal Artillery School in Turin. Then in 1756 he was elected to the Berlin Academy. This then led Lagrange being a founding member of what would eventually become the Royal Academy of Science in Turin. In 1766, Lagrange accepted Euler’s position as the director of the Berlin Academy. While director of the academy Lagrange produced some of his greatest work. In 1772 he shared a prize with Euler on the three body problems. Two years later he won

  • George Lucas: One of the greatest filmmakers

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    of the greatest writers of his time, one of the best directors of his time, and has paved the way in visual and audio effects. George Lucas is widely believed to be one of the greatest writers of his time. He has written many movies that have won academy awards such as THX 1138, The Star Wars Trilogy, American Graffiti, and Indiana Jones. George Lucas has not only written Movie he has also written a couple of TV series such as The Young Indiana Jones and a cartoon version of Star Wars. George Lucas

  • Jesus Flock Academy

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    OUR VISION STATEMENT “Jesus’ Flock Academy exists to produce individuals who are worshipers, disciples, and responsible citizens who will make an impact in the world for God.” OUR IDENTITY: A Church-School Jesus’ Flock Academy Foundation, Inc. is the church in action. It is a church-school, therefore, it works as part of the church ministry. It follows the principles of the Scriptures in all aspects of administration and is submitted to the elders of Jesus’ Flock, Inc. who provides the spiritual

  • Werner's Search For Justice In All The Light We Cannot See

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    mines. This is against Jutta’s wishes, who tries to convince Werner there are destructive changes happening in Germany. Here, Werner’s motivations of self-preservation cloud his ethical judgement, and so he begins his journey along injustice. At the academy, Werner continues to ignore his own morality to continue to survive in his environment. Werner’s narrative

  • Kelly Flinn

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    Controversy, was born on December 23, 1970, in St. Louis, Missouri. When she was 12, she moved to Atlanta, Georgia. She graduated from high school in 1989. On June 29, 1989, she entered the United States Air Force Academy and began her active-duty career in the U.S. Air Force. She graduated form the Academy on June 2, 1993, and then went on the Undergraduate Pilot Training at Columbus Air Force Base. In September 1995 she was the Distinguished Graduate in her B-52 formal Training Unit. She was then stationed

  • Francisco Franco

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    Ferrel in the region known as Galicia in Northwestern Spain. He was close to his mother during his childhood. His father, older brother, and the four generations before him were naval officers. However, the Naval Academy was full so Franco went into the Army. He enrolled into Infantry Academy at Toledo when he was 14 and graduated three years later. Franco quickly climbed the ranks of the Spanish Army. He gained a reputation of being a disciplined, honest, and dedicated soldier who was strictly professional

  • Hinata Hyuga Essay

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    Hinata Hyuga is a fictional character in the manga Naruto. She is a kunoichi (female ninja) from the fictional village of Konohagakure. Hinata is the eldest of two children of Hiashi Hyuga. She is raised to be the heiress of the Hyuga clan. Growing up Hinata was a well behave child. She never spoke, if she wasn’t spoken to. She would always use the proper honorifics, when speaking. She was always thinking of others more than in herself. As a child to preteen years she didn’t like confrontations

  • The Genius of Plato

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    continued to travel to Italy, Sicily, and Egypt. (Internet) In 387 B.C. Plato founded the Academy in Athens otherwise known as the first European university. The Academy provided a wide range of curriculum including subjects such as astronomy, biology, philosophy, political theory, and mathematics. Aristotle was the Academy's most outstanding student. (Internet) The internal affairs of the academy ruled the next 20 years of Plato's life and he wrote nothing. Many Greek youths were attracted