INTRODUCTION Achievement Motivation (also termed need for achievement, N-Ach) refers to an individual's desire for significant accomplishment, mastering of skills to meet high standards of excellence. It includes the intense, prolonged and repeated efforts to accomplish something difficult, to work with singleness of purpose towards a high and distant goal and to have the determination to win. In this report we have measured the degree of achievement motivation among students of BITS, Pilani
Three factors influencing the Educational Achievement and Socio-Emotional Functioning of Adolescents Intellectual attributes and non-intellectual attributes both contribute and facilitate students ‘success (Burger, 2004). Non-cognitive skills are increasingly considered to be as important as cognitive skills and intelligence quotient (IQ) in determining successful performance in various domains including academic achievement and socio-emotional functioning as these skills play affect greatly the
Academic achievement was something I took pride in. It was important for me to feel as though I was exceeding the expectations and requirements of the education system I was in. While reading chapter 16 of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values, my viewpoints on academic achievement changed. Now I realize that my previous idea of academic achievement was incorrect. There are many aspects of the current education system that negatively impact student’s development and growth
America’s unyielding academic achievement gap has been a national priority for a long time. Although closing this gap remains a national priority, Wolk (2011) noted that after “30 years of unprecedented effort and enormous expenditure,” student performance has not improved; a third of the graduates are still not prepared for work (p. #). For institutions to close the achievement gap, curriculum experts need to reconsider their educational practices, especially the content of what is being taught
should be cut out of the academic program, to save some money. But what is widely unknown is that schools that have good music programs do better in areas of math and sometimes reading. A high tech music program called Kodaly, was instituted into the schools of Hungary. If a person were to look at the school today, there are “…no third graders who cannot sing on pitch and sing beautifully” (Dickinson, 1993, p.1). Also, the students of the Hungarian schools academic achievement in math and science
primary and secondary school students are educated. The idea behind ability grouping, or tracking, is that “many school practitioners assume that grouping by ability promotes student’s achievement because, it is argued, all students learn best when grouped with students of similar capabilities or levels of achievement.”(Perceptions) There are many arguments for either side, thus begging the question “is ability grouping an efficient way to handle differences in student abilities?”(Education World)
Stevenson and Stigler in "The Learning Gap", American parents whose children generally score below Asian children on tests of academic achievement, gave the most positive evaluations when asked about their children's schools and how their children were performing. If the children are doing well, such
Education System Today the American education system is no longer the best in the world. With declining test scores and poor academic achievement, people have questioned whether our current educational system is working for us. On the other side of the Pacific, the situation is totally different. Students of Asian countries achieve higher academic achievements, and they rank at the top on math and science tests. If their educational system is better than the U.S system, should we adopt
students (Quiroz, 1999). Among the minority groups mentioned, African American males are affected most adversely. Research has shown that when Black male students are compared to other students by gender and race they consistently rank lowest in academic achievement (Ogbu, 2003), have the worst attendance record (Voelkle, 1999), are suspended and expelled the most often (Raffaele Mendez, 2003; Staples, 1982), are most likely to drop out of school, and most often fail to graduate from high school or to
Papers on the topic, acceleration within in the school system, have had two very distinct arguments. There are those who believe that accelerating students, enhances their psychological welfare and academic achievements. On the other hand there are those who raise concerns as to whether, accelerating students does negatively affect them in some dimension. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of acceleration in relation to the educational setting, and to discuss the impact (both negative and
assessment is hampered with some biases, to which extent it is the aim of this author to address some of these. David P. Dolson (1985) offers us some insight into the importance of these relationships, stating that the most essential factor between academic achievement and scholastic performance on the part of the Hispanic child is directly related to the effect of Spanish home language. He challenges an assumption by many educators that Hispanic students from Spanish language homes do less well in schools
Technology Past and Present Abstract Computers are in most schools in the United States. Most states have addressed the need to adopt technology standards in curriculum. As the spotlight focuses on technology integration and academic achievement, school districts are focusing on staff development as an integral part of the technology integration process. The role of computers in the classroom has changed from a support tool for basic skills and content using tutorial and remediation practice
employment. Furthermore, students with disabilities mainstreamed into regular CTE or academic classrooms obtained paid competitive jobs more often and felt better prepared to keep their jobs. Qualitative studies reviewed by Eisenmann (2000) imply that integration of academic and vocational curricula promoted meaningful engagement and inclusion of students with disabilities by increasing persistence, academic achievement, and postsecondary engagement. Rights of Students with Disabilities Four key
Academic achievement has been variously defined: as level of proficiency attained in academic work or as formally acquired knowledge in school subjects which is often represented by percentage of marks obtained by students in examinations (Kohli, 1975). Researches have shown that besides being the criteria of promotion into the next class, academic achievement is an index of all future success in life. Superior achievers in the academic world generally tend to maintain their level, of achievement
amateurs who are attending college for academic achievement and play sports in their free time. This is an impossible task for anybody. Higher education has entered the arena of big business with its athletic programs and with it many problems have emerged for coaches, athletes, and the athletic system itself. There is systematic corruption. Exploitation and hypocrisy are givens in college athletics. Athletic personnel are mistakenly given the responsibility for academic integrity of student athletes. With
in a fraternity is a life-long experience that helps its members develop social, organizational, and study skills during college, and that teaches true, everlasting friendship. As a matter of fact, fraternities have a long tradition of high academic achievement, and most of our nation's presidents were members of a Greek association. According to Irving Klepper, the first fraternity (Phi Beta Kappa) was founded for "social and literary purposes" at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg,
speakers and native speakers of another language (such as Spanish or French) for most of the day, with the goals of promoting academic achievement, language development and cultural understanding of other students. Immersion schools keep their populations balanced, they hold around fifty percent native English speakers and fifty percent speakers of a non-English language. The academic instruction is held in both languages, with the non-English language being used from fifty to ninety percent of the time
currently being considered in Congress, and has garnered much support. As of right now, 15 states test students in those grades, and more than 20 have high school exit exams, which look only at the test score of a student, not at his or her academic achievements. Standardized testing is an unfair and inaccurate form of judging a person’s intellect. In many cases, people are either over- or underrepresented by their test scores, partly because America does not currently have the capabilities of
news and there seems to be a story about violence in schools and how it is drug related. One of the largest contributors to juvenile violence and delinquency is the use of drugs. If it were as easy as just taking it away, we would see more academic achievements by young adults, but it goes much further than that. The problem is much deeper than it appears at the surface, and it takes strong individuals to be willing to go into the depth required to make a difference in the situation. In the story
Hockey or Harvard? In 1993, the Harold C. Case Scholarship for outstanding academic achievement was awarded to fourteen students in the Boston University junior class. I was one of two students in the College of Communication and one of two students in the School of Management to receive the award. I view this award as recognition of the difficult journey I undertook to become the first person in the history of Boston University to combine a broadcast journalism degree with a business degree