My Philosophy of Education

702 Words2 Pages

Philosophy on Education

Education entails individual human development in the cognitive, emotional, creative and social areas. All children are entitled to a free education regardless of race, cultural background or handicaps. For education to be an effective part of the students life, the student and teacher must be actively and enthusiastically involved in learning. A teacher needs to be well prepared and organized. They need to know the perspective goals for each student and ways to achieve these goals. Teachers need to work with students to help them grow and develop ways to use their knowledge.

Education is the most important aspect in ones life. Through the development of education, children learn knowledge and how to become productive adults in an ever-changing world. Education should improve the quality of each students life. Teachers need to be concerned and feel a responsibility toward their students. They need to be advocates for education. Schools need to be committed to excellence in teaching and learning for all students within a safe and orderly environment. Schools and teachers need to share with the community,the responsibility of encouraging each individual to reach his/her maximum academic achievement.

As a teacher I want to have an educational program that builds on learning experiences,which develop passionate life-long learners who love to read and who, cooperativiely as well as independently work to create, investigate and s...

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