The Development Of Albert Bandura's Influence Behavior

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Albert Bandura was born on December 4, 1925. He was born in Mundare, a small hamlet of some 400 inhabitants, largely immigrants from Poland and Ukraine, in northern Alberta, Canada. He was the youngest and the boy out his six siblings. His parents emigrated to Canada when they were adolescents (Pajares 2004). His father was from Krakow Poland and his mother was from Ukraine. Bandura’s parents were hard workers and self-educated. His parents instill in him the joys of life and the importance of education. His primary and high school years were spent at the only school in his town (Albert Bandura 2015). The school was short teachers and resources. Only two teachers handle the whole school curriculum. Bandura saw this as an opportunity to rely …show more content…

He developed a reciprocal determinism model that consists of three main factors: behavior, person/cognitive, and environment. These factor can interact and influence learning (Santrock 2011). Environment influence behavior, behavior affects the environment, person factors influence behaviors, and so on. Bandura model works as followed: cognition influence behavior. An individual develops cognitive strategies to think more deeply and logically about how to solve problems, the cognitive strategies improve the individual achievement behavior (Santrock 2011). Behavior influences cognition. An individual is studying, which have led them to achieve good grades, which in turn produce positive expectancies about their abilities and give them self-confidence (Santrock 2011). Environment influence behavior. The school an individual may attend developed a pilot studying skill program to help students learn how to take notes, manage time, and take test more effectively. The skills program improves the student’s achievement behavior. Behavior influence environment. The study skills programs are successful in improving the achievement behavior of many students in a class. The students’ improved achievement behavior stimulates the school to expand the program so that all students in high school participate in it (Santrock 2011). Cognition influence environment. The expectations and planning of the school’s principal and teachers made …show more content…

The first one is attention. Before students can produce a model’s action, they must attend to what the model is doing or saying. Attention to the model is influenced by host f characteristics. For instance, warm, powerful, atypical, people command more attention than a cold, weak, typical person. Students are more likely to be attentive to high status models than to a low status models (Santrock 2011). Next is retention. Retention is to reproduce a model’s actions, students must code the information and keep it in memory so that they retrieve it. A simple verbal description or a vivid image of what the model did assists students’ retention. For example, a teacher might say, “I’m showing the correct way to do this step by step,” as the teacher models how to solve the math problem. A video with colorful character demonstrating the importance of considering other students’ feelings might be remembered better than the teacher’s instructions. Student’s retention will improve when teachers give vivid, logical, and clear demonstrations (Santrock 2011). Then there is production. Children might attend to a model and a code in memory of what they seen, because of limitations of their motor ability. For example, an adolescent can watch a pro basketball or football player and execute their skills perfect, but if they watch a famous pianist or artist they are not able to reproduce

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